ICD-9-CM Coding Information
- 772.12 is only applicable to newborns of age 0 years.
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Hemorrhage, hemorrhagic (nontraumatic) 459.0
- brain (miliary) (nontraumatic) 431
- with
- arachnoid - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
- due to
- birth injury 767.0
- rupture of aneurysm (congenital) (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430
- syphilis 094.89
- epidural or extradural - see Hemorrhage, extradural
- fetus or newborn (anoxic) (hypoxic) (due to birth trauma) (nontraumatic) 767.0
- iatrogenic 997.02
- postoperative 997.02
- puerperal, postpartum, childbirth 674.0
- stem 431
- subarachnoid, arachnoid, or meningeal - see Hemorrhage, subarachnoid
- subdural - see Hemorrhage, subdural
- traumatic NEC 853.0
- with
- cerebral
- contusion - see Contusion, brain
- laceration - see Laceration, brain
- open intracranial wound 853.1
- skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site
- extradural or epidural 852.4
- with open intracranial wound 852.5
- subarachnoid 852.0
- with open intracranial wound 852.1
- subdural 852.2
- with open intracranial wound 852.3
- intraventricular (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431
- fetus or newborn (anoxic) (traumatic) 772.10
- newborn 772.9
- adrenal 772.5
- alveolar (lung) 770.3
- brain (anoxic) (hypoxic) (due to birth trauma) 767.0
- cerebral (anoxic) (hypoxic) (due to birth trauma) 767.0
- conjunctiva 772.8
- cutaneous 772.6
- diathesis 776.0
- due to vitamin K deficiency 776.0
- epicranial subaponeurotic (massive) 767.11
- gastrointestinal 772.4
- internal (organs) 772.8
- intestines 772.4
- intra-alveolar (lung) 770.3
- intracranial (from any perinatal cause) 767.0
- intraventricular (from any perinatal cause) 772.10
- lung 770.3
- pulmonary (massive) 770.3
- spinal cord, traumatic 767.4
- stomach 772.4
- subaponeurotic (massive) 767.11
- subarachnoid (from any perinatal cause) 772.2
- subconjunctival 772.8
- subgaleal 767.11
- umbilicus 772.0