Convert to ICD-10-CM:
954.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S24.9XXA Injury of unspecified nerve of thorax, initial encounter
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S34.9XXA Injury of unspecified nerves at abdomen, lower back and pelvis level, initial encounter
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Injury 959.9
- nerve 957.9
- abducens 951.3
- abducent 951.3
- accessory 951.6
- acoustic 951.5
- ankle and foot 956.9
- anterior crural, femoral 956.1
- arm (see also Injury, nerve, upper limb) 955.9
- auditory 951.5
- axillary 955.0
- brachial plexus 953.4
- cervical sympathetic 954.0
- cranial 951.9
- first or olfactory 951.8
- second or optic 950.0
- third or oculomotor 951.0
- fourth or trochlear 951.1
- fifth or trigeminal 951.2
- sixth or abducens 951.3
- seventh or facial 951.4
- eighth, acoustic, or auditory 951.5
- ninth or glossopharyngeal 951.8
- tenth, pneumogastric, or vagus 951.8
- eleventh or accessory 951.6
- twelfth or hypoglossal 951.7
- newborn 767.7
- cutaneous sensory
- digital (finger) 955.6
- facial 951.4
- femoral 956.1
- finger 955.9
- foot and ankle 956.9
- forearm 955.9
- glossopharyngeal 951.8
- hand and wrist 955.9
- head and neck, superficial 957.0
- hypoglossal 951.7
- involving several parts of body 957.8
- leg (see also Injury, nerve, lower limb) 956.9
- lower limb 956.9
- lumbar plexus 953.5
- lumbosacral plexus 953.5
- median 955.1
- multiple (in several parts of body) (sites not classifiable to the same three-digit category) 957.8
- musculocutaneous 955.4
- musculospiral 955.3
- oculomotor 951.0
- olfactory 951.8
- optic 950.0
- pelvic girdle 956.9
- peripheral 957.9
- multiple (in several regions) (sites not classifiable to the same three-digit category) 957.8
- specified site NEC 957.1
- peroneal 956.3
- plantar 956.5
- plexus 957.9
- pneumogastric 951.8
- radial 955.3
- sacral plexus 953.5
- sciatic 956.0
- shoulder girdle 955.9
- specified site NEC 957.1
- spinal 953.9
- plexus - see Injury, nerve, plexus, spinal
- root 953.9
- splanchnic 954.1
- sympathetic NEC 954.1
- thigh 956.9
- tibial 956.5
- toe 956.9
- trigeminal 951.2
- trochlear 951.1
- trunk, excluding shoulder and pelvic girdles 954.9
- ulnar 955.2
- upper limb 955.9
- vagus 951.8
- wrist and hand 955.9