802 Fracture of face bones 
802.0 Closed fracture of nasal bones convert 802.0 to ICD-10-CM
802.1 Open fracture of nasal bones convert 802.1 to ICD-10-CM
802.2 Closed fracture of mandible 

802.20 Closed fracture of mandible, unspecified site convert 802.20 to ICD-10-CM

802.21 Closed fracture of mandible, condylar process convert 802.21 to ICD-10-CM

802.22 Closed fracture of mandible, subcondylar convert 802.22 to ICD-10-CM

802.23 Closed fracture of mandible, coronoid process convert 802.23 to ICD-10-CM

802.24 Closed fracture of mandible, ramus, unspecified convert 802.24 to ICD-10-CM

802.25 Closed fracture of mandible, angle of jaw convert 802.25 to ICD-10-CM

802.26 Closed fracture of mandible, symphysis of body convert 802.26 to ICD-10-CM

802.27 Closed fracture of mandible, alveolar border of body convert 802.27 to ICD-10-CM

802.28 Closed fracture of mandible, body, other and unspecified convert 802.28 to ICD-10-CM

802.29 Closed fracture of mandible, multiple sites convert 802.29 to ICD-10-CM
802.3 Open fracture of mandible 

802.30 Open fracture of mandible, unspecified site convert 802.30 to ICD-10-CM

802.31 Open fracture of mandible, condylar process convert 802.31 to ICD-10-CM

802.32 Open fracture of mandible, subcondylar convert 802.32 to ICD-10-CM

802.33 Open fracture of mandible, coronoid process convert 802.33 to ICD-10-CM

802.34 Open fracture of mandible, ramus, unspecified convert 802.34 to ICD-10-CM

802.35 Open fracture of mandible, angle of jaw convert 802.35 to ICD-10-CM

802.36 Open fracture of mandible, symphysis of body convert 802.36 to ICD-10-CM

802.37 Open fracture of mandible, alveolar border of body convert 802.37 to ICD-10-CM

802.38 Open fracture of mandible, body, other and unspecified convert 802.38 to ICD-10-CM

802.39 Open fracture of mandible, multiple sites convert 802.39 to ICD-10-CM
802.4 Closed fracture of malar and maxillary bones convert 802.4 to ICD-10-CM
802.5 Open fracture of malar and maxillary bones convert 802.5 to ICD-10-CM
802.6 Closed fracture of orbital floor (blow-out) convert 802.6 to ICD-10-CM
802.7 Open fracture of orbital floor (blow-out) convert 802.7 to ICD-10-CM
802.8 Closed fracture of other facial bones convert 802.8 to ICD-10-CM
802.9 Open fracture of other facial bones convert 802.9 to ICD-10-CM