- A congenital abnormality characterized by more than 5 digits on a hand or foot.
- A congenital anomaly of the hand or foot, marked by the presence of supernumerary digits.
- 755 Other congenital anomalies of limbs
- 755.0 Polydactyly
- 755.00 Polydactyly, unspecified digits convert 755.00 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.01 Polydactyly of fingers convert 755.01 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.02 Polydactyly of toes convert 755.02 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.1 Syndactyly
- 755.10 Syndactyly of multiple and unspecified sites convert 755.10 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.11 Syndactyly of fingers without fusion of bone convert 755.11 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.12 Syndactyly of fingers with fusion of bone convert 755.12 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.13 Syndactyly of toes without fusion of bone convert 755.13 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.14 Syndactyly of toes with fusion of bone convert 755.14 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.2 Reduction deformities of upper limb congenital
- 755.20 Unspecified reduction deformity of upper limb convert 755.20 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.21 Transverse deficiency of upper limb convert 755.21 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.22 Longitudinal deficiency of upper limb, not elsewhere classified convert 755.22 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.23 Longitudinal deficiency, combined, involving humerus, radius, and ulna (complete or incomplete) convert 755.23 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.24 Longitudinal deficiency, humeral, complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies, incomplete) convert 755.24 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.25 Longitudinal deficiency, radioulnar, complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies, incomplete) convert 755.25 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.26 Longitudinal deficiency, radial, complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies, incomplete) convert 755.26 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.27 Longitudinal deficiency, ulnar, complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies, incomplete) convert 755.27 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.28 Longitudinal deficiency, carpals or metacarpals, complete or partial (with or without incomplete phalangeal deficiency) convert 755.28 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.29 Longitudinal deficiency, phalanges, complete or partial convert 755.29 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.3 Congenital reduction deformities of lower limb
- 755.30 Unspecified reduction deformity of lower limb, convert 755.30 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.31 Transverse deficiency of lower limb convert 755.31 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.32 Longitudinal deficiency of lower limb, not elsewhere classified convert 755.32 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.33 Longitudinal deficiency, combined, involving femur, tibia, and fibula (complete or incomplete) convert 755.33 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.34 Longitudinal deficiency, femoral, complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies, incomplete) convert 755.34 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.35 Longitudinal deficiency, tibiofibular, complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies, incomplete) convert 755.35 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.36 Longitudinal deficiency, tibia, complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies, incomplete) convert 755.36 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.37 Longitudinal deficiency, fibular, complete or partial (with or without distal deficiencies, incomplete) convert 755.37 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.38 Longitudinal deficiency, tarsals or metatarsals, complete or partial (with or without incomplete phalangeal deficiency) convert 755.38 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.39 Longitudinal deficiency, phalanges, complete or partial convert 755.39 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.4 Reduction deformities, unspecified limb convert 755.4 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.5 Other congenital anomalies of upper limb including shoulder girdle
- 755.50 Unspecified anomaly of upper limb convert 755.50 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.51 Congenital deformity of clavicle convert 755.51 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.52 Congenital elevation of scapula convert 755.52 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.53 Radioulnar synostosis convert 755.53 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.54 Madelung's deformity convert 755.54 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.55 Acrocephalosyndactyly convert 755.55 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.56 Accessory carpal bones convert 755.56 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.57 Macrodactylia (fingers) convert 755.57 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.58 Cleft hand, congenital convert 755.58 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.59 Other anomalies of upper limb, including shoulder girdle convert 755.59 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.6 Other congenital anomalies of lower limb including pelvic girdle
- 755.60 Unspecified anomaly of lower limb convert 755.60 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.61 Coxa valga, congenital convert 755.61 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.62 Coxa vara, congenital convert 755.62 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.63 Other congenital deformity of hip (joint) convert 755.63 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.64 Congenital deformity of knee (joint) convert 755.64 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.65 Macrodactylia of toes convert 755.65 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.66 Other anomalies of toes convert 755.66 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.67 Anomalies of foot, not elsewhere classified convert 755.67 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.69 Other anomalies of lower limb, including pelvic girdle convert 755.69 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.8 Other specified anomalies of unspecified limb convert 755.8 to ICD-10-CM
- 755.9 Unspecified anomaly of unspecified limb convert 755.9 to ICD-10-CM