Convert to ICD-10-CM:
491.8 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J41.8 Mixed simple and mucopurulent chronic bronchitis
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Bronchiolitis (acute) (infectious) (subacute) 466.19
- chronic (obliterative) 491.8
- fibrosa obliterans 491.8
- obliterans 491.8
- with organizing pneumonia (BOOP) 516.8
- status post lung transplant 996.84
- obliterative (chronic) (diffuse) (subacute) 491.8
- due to fumes or vapors 506.4
- Bronchitis (diffuse) (hypostatic) (infectious) (inflammatory) (simple) 490
- with
- emphysema - see Emphysema
- influenza, flue, or grippe (see also Influenza) 487.1
- obstruction airway, chronic 491.20
- tracheitis 490
- acute or subacute 466.0
- with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.0
- chronic 491.8
- capillary 466.19
- with bronchospasm or obstruction 466.19
- chronic 491.8
- chronic 491.9
- with
- tracheitis (chronic) 491.8
- asthmatic 493.2
- catarrhal 491.0
- chemical (due to fumes and vapors) 506.4
- due to
- fumes or vapors (chemical) (inhalation) 506.4
- radiation 508.8
- tobacco smoking 491.0
- mucopurulent 491.1
- obstructive 491.20
- purulent 491.1
- simple 491.0
- specified type NEC 491.8
- obliterans 491.8
- ulcerative 491.8
- Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) 136.9
- trachea, chronic 491.8
- Laryngotracheobronchitis (see also Bronchitis) 490
- chronic 491.8
- Tracheitis (acute) (catarrhal) (infantile) (membranous) (plastic) (pneumococcal) (septic) (suppurative) (viral) 464.10
- with
- bronchitis 490
- acute or subacute 466.0
- chronic 491.8
- tuberculosis - see Tuberculosis, pulmonary
- laryngitis (acute) 464.20
- with obstruction 464.21
- chronic 476.1
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, larynx) 012.3
- obstruction 464.11
- chronic 491.8
- with
- bronchitis (chronic) 491.8
- laryngitis (chronic) 476.1
- due to external agent - see Condition, respiratory, chronic, due to
- Tracheobronchitis (see also Bronchitis) 490
- chronic 491.8
- senile 491.8
- Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative 707.9
- bronchitis 491.8