Convert to ICD-10-CM:
996.81 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T86.10 Unspecified complication of kidney transplant
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T86.11 Kidney transplant rejection
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T86.12 Kidney transplant failure
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Complications
graft (bypass) (patch) - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0
bone marrow 996.85

corneal NEC 996.79

infection or inflammation 996.69

rejection or reaction 996.51

retroprosthetic membrane 996.51

mechanical - see Complications, mechanical, graft
organ (immune or nonimmune cause) (partial) (total) 996.80

skin NEC 996.79
kidney transplant (immune or nonimmune cause) 996.81
anastomosis - see Complications, mechanical, graft
artificial heart 996.09

bypass - see Complications, mechanical, graft
catheter NEC 996.59

colostomy 569.62

device NEC 996.59

balloon (counterpulsation), intra-aortic 996.1

cardiac 996.00

contraceptive, intrauterine 996.32

counterpulsation, intra-aortic 996.1

fixation, external, with internal components 996.49

fixation, internal (nail, rod, plate) 996.40

genitourinary 996.30

insulin pump 996.57

nervous system 996.2

orthopedic, internal 996.40

prosthetic joint (see also Complications, mechanical, device, orthopedic, prosthetic, joint) 996.47

prosthetic NEC 996.59

umbrella, vena cava 996.1

vascular 996.1

dorsal column stimulator 996.2

electrode NEC 996.59

enterostomy 569.62

esophagostomy 530.87

fistula, arteriovenous, surgically created 996.1

gastrostomy 536.42

graft NEC 996.52

heart valve prosthesis 996.02

implant NEC 996.59

insulin pump 996.57

nonabsorbable surgical material 996.59

pacemaker NEC 996.59

patch - see Complications, mechanical, graft
prosthesis NEC 996.59

reimplant NEC 996.59

extremity (see also Complications, reattached, extremity) 996.90

organ (see also Complications, transplant, organ, by site) 996.80

repair - see Complications, mechanical, graft
respirator [ventilator] V46.14

shunt NEC 996.59

arteriovenous, surgically created 996.1

ventricular (communicating) 996.2

stent NEC 996.59

tracheostomy 519.02

vas deferens reconstruction 996.39

ventilator [respirator] V46.14
renal allograft 996.81
transplant NEC - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0
bone marrow 996.85

organ (immune or nonimmune cause) (partial) (total) 996.80

stem cell(s) 996.88
- Failure, failed
- Rejection
- Transplant (ed)
complication - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0
bone marrow 996.85

corneal graft NEC 996.79

organ (failure) (immune or nonimmune cause) (infection) (rejection) 996.80

previously removed due to complication, failure, rejection or infection V45.87

removal status V45.87

skin NEC 996.79

stem cell(s) 996.88