ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Encephalitis (bacterial) (chronic) (hemorrhagic) (idiopathic) (nonepidemic) (spurious) (subacute) 323.9

arboviral, arbovirus NEC 064
arthropod-borne (see also Encephalitis, viral, arthropod-borne) 064
due to
Negishi virus 064
viral, virus 049.9

arthropod-borne NEC 064

mosquito-borne 062.9

tick-borne 063.9

vector unknown 064

slow acting NEC 046.8

specified type NEC 049.8

vaccination, prophylactic (against) V05.0
- Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) 136.9

virus, viral 079.99


in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079

unspecified nature or site 079.0

central nervous system NEC 049.9

chest 519.8

conjunctivitis 077.99

specified type NEC 077.89

coronavirus 079.89

Coxsackie (see also Infection, Coxsackie) 079.2

Ebola 065.8


in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079

unspecified nature or site 079.1

encephalitis 049.9

arthropod-borne NEC 064

tick-borne 063.9

enteritis NEC (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.8

exanthem NEC 057.9

Hantavirus 079.81

human papilloma 079.4

in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079

intestine (see also Enteritis, viral) 008.8

Lung - see Pneumonia, viral
respiratory syncytial (RSV) 079.6

Retrovirus 079.50


in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079

unspecified nature or site 079.3

salivary gland disease 078.5

slow 046.9

specified condition NEC 046.8

specified type NEC 079.89

in diseases classified elsewhere - see category 079

unspecified nature or site 079.99

warts 078.10

yaba monkey tumor 059.22