879 Open wound of other and unspecified sites except limbs 
879.0 Open wound of breast, without mention of complication convert 879.0 to ICD-10-CM
879.1 Open wound of breast, complicated convert 879.1 to ICD-10-CM
879.2 Open wound of abdominal wall, anterior, without mention of complication convert 879.2 to ICD-10-CM
879.3 Open wound of abdominal wall, anterior, complicated convert 879.3 to ICD-10-CM
879.4 Open wound of abdominal wall, lateral, without mention of complication convert 879.4 to ICD-10-CM
879.5 Open wound of abdominal wall, lateral, complicated convert 879.5 to ICD-10-CM
879.6 Open wound of other and unspecified parts of trunk, without mention of complication convert 879.6 to ICD-10-CM
879.7 Open wound of other and unspecified parts of trunk, complicated convert 879.7 to ICD-10-CM
879.8 Open wound(s) (multiple) of unspecified site(s), without mention of complication convert 879.8 to ICD-10-CM
879.9 Open wound(s) (multiple) of unspecified site(s), complicated convert 879.9 to ICD-10-CM