Convert to ICD-10-CM:
767.3 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P13.0 Fracture of skull due to birth injury
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P13.2 Birth injury to femur
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P13.3 Birth injury to other long bones
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM P13.8 Birth injuries to other parts of skeleton
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Birth
injury NEC 767.9

adrenal gland 767.8

basal ganglia 767.0

brachial plexus (paralysis) 767.6

brain (compression) (pressure) 767.0

cerebellum 767.0

cerebral hemorrhage 767.0

conjunctiva 767.8

eye 767.8


bone, any except clavicle or spine 767.3

clavicle 767.2

femur 767.3

humerus 767.3

long bone 767.3

radius and ulna 767.3

skeleton NEC 767.3

skull 767.3

spine 767.4

tibia and fibula 767.3

hematoma 767.8

intracranial (edema) 767.0

liver 767.8

nerves (cranial, peripheral) 767.7

paralysis 767.7

brachial plexus 767.6

Erb (-Duchenne) 767.6

facial nerve 767.5

Klumpke (-Déjérine) 767.6

radial nerve 767.6

spinal (cord) (hemorrhage) (laceration) (rupture) 767.4

scalp 767.19

scalpel wound 767.8

skeleton NEC 767.3
specified NEC 767.8

spinal cord 767.4

spleen 767.8

subdural hemorrhage 767.0

tentorial, tear 767.0

testes 767.8

vulva 767.8
- Flail
- Fracture (abduction) (adduction) (avulsion) (compression) (crush) (dislocation) (oblique) (separation) (closed) 829.0

bone (closed) NEC 829.0

birth injury NEC 767.3
open 829.1

pathological NEC (see also Fracture, pathologic) 733.10

stress NEC (see also Fracture, stress) 733.95
skull (multiple NEC) (with face bones) (closed) 803.0


contusion, cerebral 803.1

epidural hemorrhage 803.2

extradural hemorrhage 803.2

hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 803.3

intracranial injury NEC 803.4

laceration, cerebral 803.1

other bones - see Fracture, multiple, skull

subarachnoid hemorrhage 803.2

subdural hemorrhage 803.2

base (antrum) (ethmoid bone) (fossa) (internal ear) (nasal sinus) (occiput) (sphenoid) (temporal bone) (closed) 801.0


contusion, cerebral 801.1

epidural hemorrhage 801.2

extradural hemorrhage 801.2

hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 801.3

intracranial injury NEC 801.4

laceration, cerebral 801.1

subarachnoid hemorrhage 801.2

subdural hemorrhage 801.2

open 801.5


contusion, cerebral 801.6

epidural hemorrhage 801.7

extradural hemorrhage 801.7

hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 801.8

intracranial injury NEC 801.9

laceration, cerebral 801.6

subarachnoid hemorrhage 801.7

subdural hemorrhage 801.7

birth injury 767.3
face bones - see Fracture, face bones
open 803.5


contusion, cerebral 803.6

epidural hemorrhage 803.7

extradural hemorrhage 803.7

hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 803.8

intracranial injury NEC 803.9

laceration, cerebral 803.6

subarachnoid hemorrhage 803.7

subdural hemorrhage 803.7

vault (frontal bone) (parietal bone) (vertex) (closed) 800.0


contusion, cerebral 800.1

epidural hemorrhage 800.2

extradural hemorrhage 800.2

hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 800.3

intracranial injury NEC 800.4

laceration, cerebral 800.1

subarachnoid hemorrhage 800.2

subdural hemorrhage 800.2

open 800.5


contusion, cerebral 800.6

epidural hemorrhage 800.7

extradural hemorrhage 800.7

hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 800.8

intracranial injury NEC 800.9

laceration, cerebral 800.6

subarachnoid hemorrhage 800.7

subdural hemorrhage 800.7
- Injury 959.9

skeleton NEC, birth injury 767.3
- Rupture, ruptured 553.9

fontanel 767.3