Convert to ICD-10-CM:
748.1 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q30.1 Agenesis and underdevelopment of nose
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q30.2 Fissured, notched and cleft nose
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Q30.8 Other congenital malformations of nose
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Absence (organ or part) (complete or partial)
nose (congenital) 748.1
- Accessory (congenital)
nose 748.1
- Agenesis - see also Absence, by site, congenital
nose 748.1
- Anomaly, anomalous (congenital) (unspecified type) 759.9

nasal sinus or septum 748.1
nose, nasal (bone) (cartilage) (septum) (sinus) 748.1
heart - see Anomaly, heart, septum
nasal 748.1
specified type NEC
adrenal (gland) 759.1

alimentary tract (complete) (partial) 751.8

ankle 755.69

anus, anal (canal) 751.5

aorta, aortic 747.29

appendix 751.5

arm 755.59

artery (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60

auditory canal 744.29

causing impairment of hearing 744.02

bile duct or passage 751.69

bladder 753.8

bone(s) 756.9

brain 742.4

breast 757.6

broad ligament 752.19

bronchus 748.3

canal of Nuck 752.89

cardiac septal closure 745.8

carpus 755.59

cartilaginous 756.9

cecum 751.5

cervix 752.49

chest (wall) 756.3

chin 744.89

ciliary body 743.46

circulatory system 747.89

clavicle 755.51

clitoris 752.49

coccyx 756.19

colon 751.5

common duct 751.69

connective tissue 756.89

cricoid cartilage 748.3

cystic duct 751.69

diaphragm 756.6

digestive organ(s) or tract 751.8

duodenum 751.5

ear 744.29

auricle 744.29

causing impairment of hearing 744.02

causing impairment of hearing 744.09

inner (causing impairment of hearing) 744.05

middle, except ossicles 744.03

ejaculatory duct 752.89

endocrine 759.2

epiglottis 748.3

esophagus 750.4

Eustachian tube 744.24

eye 743.8

face 744.89

fallopian tube 752.19

fascia 756.89

femur 755.69

fibula 755.69

finger 755.59

foot 755.67

fovea centralis 743.55

gallbladder 751.69

Gartner's duct 752.89

gastrointestinal tract 751.8

genitalia, genital organ(s)
genitourinary tract NEC 752.89

glottis 748.3

hair 757.4

hand 755.59

heart 746.89

hepatic duct 751.69

hydatid of Morgagni 752.89

hymen 752.49

integument 757.8

intestine (large) (small) 751.5

iris 743.46

jejunum 751.5

joint 755.8

kidney 753.3

knee 755.64

labium (majus) (minus) 752.49

labyrinth, membranous 744.05

larynx 748.3

leg 755.69

lens 743.39

limb, except reduction deformity 755.8

lower 755.69

reduction deformity (see also Deformity, reduction, lower limb) 755.30

upper 755.59

reduction deformity (see also Deformity, reduction, upper limb) 755.20

lip 750.26

liver 751.69

lung (fissure) (lobe) 748.69

meatus urinarius 753.8

metacarpus 755.59

mouth 750.26

muscle 756.89

musculoskeletal system, except limbs 756.9

nail 757.5

neck 744.89

nerve 742.8

nervous system 742.8

nipple 757.6

nose 748.1
organ NEC 759.89

osseous meatus (ear) 744.03

ovary 752.0

oviduct 752.19

pancreas 751.7

parathyroid 759.2

patella 755.64

pelvic girdle 755.69

penis 752.69

pericardium 746.89

peripheral vascular system NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60

pharynx 750.29

pituitary 759.2

prostate 752.89

radius 755.59

rectum 751.5

respiratory system 748.8

rib 756.3

round ligament 752.89

sacrum 756.19

salivary duct or gland 750.26

scapula 755.59

sclera 743.47

scrotum 752.89

seminal duct or tract 752.89

shoulder girdle 755.59

site NEC 759.89

skin 757.39

skull (bone(s)) 756.0

specified organ or site NEC 759.89

spermatic cord 752.89

spinal cord 742.59

spine 756.19

spleen 759.0

sternum 756.3

stomach 750.7

tarsus 755.67

tendon 756.89

testis 752.89

thorax (wall) 756.3

thymus 759.2

thyroid (gland) 759.2

tibia 755.69

toe 755.66

tongue 750.19

trachea (cartilage) 748.3

ulna 755.59

urachus 753.7

ureter 753.4

urethra 753.8

urinary tract 753.8

uterus (Müllerian) 752.39

uvula 750.26

vagina 752.49

vascular NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60

vas deferens 752.89

vein(s) (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, peripheral vascular system) 747.60

vena cava (inferior) (superior) 747.49

vertebra 756.19

vulva 752.49
- Astroblastoma (M9430/3)
nose 748.1
- Astrocytoma (cystic) (M9400/3)
nose 748.1
- Astroglioma (M9400/3)
nose 748.1
- Bifid (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure
nose 748.1
- Cleft (congenital) - see also Imperfect, closure
nose 748.1
- Deformity 738.9

nose, nasal (cartilage) (acquired) 738.0

bone (turbinate) 738.0

congenital 748.1
saddle 738.0

septum 470

sinus (wall) (congenital) 748.1
syphilitic (congenital) 090.5
septum (nasal) (acquired) 470

congenital 748.1
- Distortion (congenital)
nose 748.1
- Duplication - see also Accessory
nose 748.1
- Glioma (malignant) (M9380/3)
nose 748.1
- Hypoplasia, hypoplasis 759.89

nose, nasal 748.1
- Imperfect
closure (congenital)
alimentary tract NEC 751.8

atrioventricular ostium 745.69

atrium (secundum) 745.5

branchial cleft or sinus 744.41

choroid 743.59

cricoid cartilage 748.3

cusps, heart valve NEC 746.89

ear drum 744.29

causing impairment of hearing 744.03

endocardial cushion 745.60

epiglottis 748.3

esophagus with communication to bronchus or trachea 750.3

Eustachian valve 746.89

eyelid 743.62

face, facial (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10

genitalia, genital organ(s) or system
glottis 748.3

heart valve (cusps) NEC 746.89

interatrial ostium or septum 745.5

interauricular ostium or septum 745.5

interventricular ostium or septum 745.4

iris 743.46

kidney 753.3

larynx 748.3

lens 743.36

lip (see also Cleft, lip) 749.10

nasal septum or sinus 748.1
nose 748.1
omphalomesenteric duct 751.0

optic nerve entry 743.57

organ or site NEC - see Anomaly, specified type, by site
palate (see also Cleft, palate) 749.00

preauricular sinus 744.46

retina 743.56

roof of orbit 742.0

sclera 743.47


aortic 745.0

aorticopulmonary 745.0

atrial (secundum) 745.5

between aorta and pulmonary artery 745.0

heart 745.9

interatrial (secundum) 745.5

interauricular (secundum) 745.5

interventricular 745.4

with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2

in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2

nasal 748.1

ventricular 745.4

with pulmonary stenosis or atresia, dextraposition of aorta, and hypertrophy of right ventricle 745.2

in tetralogy of Fallot 745.2

skull 756.0

spine (with meningocele) (see also Spina bifida) 741.90

thyroid cartilage 748.3

trachea 748.3

tympanic membrane 744.29

causing impairment of hearing 744.03

uterus (with communication to bladder, intestine, or rectum) 752.39

uvula 749.02

with cleft lip (see also Cleft, palate, with cleft lip) 749.20

vitelline duct 751.0
- Malposition
adrenal (gland) 759.1

alimentary tract 751.8

aorta 747.21

appendix 751.5

arterial trunk 747.29

artery (peripheral) NEC (see also Malposition, congenital, peripheral vascular system) 747.60

auditory canal 744.29

causing impairment of hearing 744.02

auricle (ear) 744.29

biliary duct or passage 751.69

bladder (mucosa) 753.8

exteriorized or extroverted 753.5

brachial plexus 742.8

brain tissue 742.4

breast 757.6

bronchus 748.3

cardiac apex 746.87

cecum 751.5

clavicle 755.51

colon 751.5

digestive organ or tract NEC 751.8

ear (auricle) (external) 744.29

endocrine (gland) NEC 759.2

epiglottis 748.3

Eustachian tube 744.24

eye 743.8

facial features 744.89

fallopian tube 752.19

finger(s) 755.59

foot 755.67

gallbladder 751.69

gastrointestinal tract 751.8

genitalia, genital organ(s) or tract
glottis 748.3

hand 755.59

heart 746.87

dextrocardia 746.87

with complete transposition of viscera 759.3

hepatic duct 751.69

hip (joint) (see also Dislocation, hip, congenital) 754.30

intestine (large) (small) 751.5

with anomalous adhesions, fixation, or malrotation 751.4

joint NEC 755.8

kidney 753.3

larynx 748.3

limb 755.8

liver 751.69

lung (lobe) 748.69

nail(s) 757.5

nerve 742.8

nervous system NEC 742.8

nose, nasal (septum) 748.1
organ or site NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC, by site
ovary 752.0

pancreas 751.7

parathyroid (gland) 759.2

patella 755.64

peripheral vascular system 747.60

pituitary (gland) 759.2

respiratory organ or system NEC 748.9

rib (cage) 756.3

supernumerary in cervical region 756.2

scapula 755.59

shoulder 755.59

spinal cord 742.59

spine 756.19

spleen 759.0

sternum 756.3

stomach 750.7

symphysis pubis 755.69

testis (undescended)752.51

thymus (gland) 759.2

thyroid (gland) (tissue) 759.2

toe(s) 755.66

tongue 750.19

trachea 748.3

uterus 752.39

vein(s) (peripheral) NEC (see also Malposition, congenital, peripheral vascular system) 747.60

vena cava (inferior) (superior) 747.49
- Notching nose, congenital (tip) 748.1
- Perforation, perforative (nontraumatic)
- Prominence
nose (congenital) 748.1