Convert to ICD-10-CM:
732.5 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM M92.60 Juvenile osteochondrosis of tarsus, unspecified ankle
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM M92.70 Juvenile osteochondrosis of metatarsus, unspecified foot
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Apophysitis (bone) (see also Osteochondrosis) 732.9
- calcaneus 732.5
- Brailsford's disease 732.3
- tarsal scaphoid 732.5
- Calcaneoapophysitis 732.5
- Diaz's disease or osteochondrosis 732.5
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Brailsford's 732.3
- radius, head 732.3
- tarsal, scaphoid 732.5
- Diaz's (osteochondrosis astragalus) 732.5
- Freiberg's (flattening metatarsal) 732.5
- Haglund's (osteochondrosis os tibiale externum) 732.5
- Iselin's (osteochondrosis, fifth metatarsal) 732.5
- Köhler's
- first (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
- second (Freiberg's infraction, metatarsal head) 732.5
- patellar 732.4
- tarsal navicular (bone) (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
- Köhler-Freiberg (infraction, metatarsal head) 732.5
- Köhler-Mouchet (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
- Mouchet's (juvenile osteochondrosis, foot) 732.5
- Panner's 732.3
- capitellum humeri 732.3
- head of humerus 732.3
- tarsal navicular (bone) (osteochondrosis) 732.5
- Sever's (osteochondrosis calcaneum) 732.5
- Epiphysitis (see also Osteochondrosis) 732.9
- os calcis 732.5
- Freiberg's
- disease (osteochondrosis, second metatarsal) 732.5
- infraction of metatarsal head 732.5
- osteochondrosis 732.5
- Haglund's disease (osteochondrosis os tibiale externum) 732.5
- Infraction, Freiberg's (metatarsal head) 732.5
- Iselin's disease or osteochondrosis 732.5
- Köhler's disease (osteochondrosis) 732.5
- first (osteochondrosis juvenilis) 732.5
- second (Freiburg's infarction, metatarsal head) 732.5
- tarsal navicular (bone) (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
- Köhler-Mouchet disease (osteoarthrosis juvenilis) 732.5
- Metatarsalgia 726.70
- due to Freiberg's disease 732.5
- Mouchet's disease 732.5
- Osteoarthrosis (degenerative) (hypertrophic) (rheumatoid) 715.9
- juvenilis (Köhler's) 732.5
- Osteochondrosis 732.9
- astragalus 732.5
- calcaneus 732.5
- Diaz's (astragalus) 732.5
- foot (juvenile) 732.5
- Freiberg's (disease) (second metatarsal) 732.5
- Haglund's (os tibiale externum) 732.5
- Iselin's (osteochondrosis fifth metatarsal) 732.5
- juvenile, juvenilis 732.6
- arm 732.3
- capital femoral epiphysis 732.1
- capitellum humeri 732.3
- capitular epiphysis 732.1
- carpal scaphoid 732.3
- clavicle, sternal epiphysis 732.6
- coxae 732.1
- deformans 732.1
- foot 732.5
- hand 732.3
- hip and pelvis 732.1
- lower extremity, except foot 732.4
- lunate, wrist 732.3
- medial cuneiform bone 732.5
- metatarsal (head) 732.5
- metatarsophalangeal 732.5
- navicular, ankle 732.5
- patella 732.4
- primary patellar center (of Köhler) 732.4
- specified site NEC 732.6
- spine 732.0
- tarsal scaphoid 732.5
- tibia (epiphysis) (tuberosity) 732.4
- upper extremity 732.3
- vertebra (body) (Calvé) 732.0
- epiphyseal plates (of Scheuermann) 732.0
- Köhler's (disease) (navicular, ankle) 732.5
- patellar 732.4
- tarsal navicular 732.5
- metatarsal (fifth) (head) (second) 732.5
- navicular, ankle 732.5
- os calcis 732.5
- os tibiale externum 732.5
- Sever's (calcaneum) 732.5
- tarsal (navicular) (scaphoid) 732.5
- Panner's disease 732.3
- tarsal navicular (bone) (osteochondrosis) 732.5
- Scaphoiditis, tarsal 732.5
- Sever's disease or osteochondrosis (calcaneum) 732.5