Convert to ICD-10-CM:
V82.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Z13.9 Encounter for screening, unspecified
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Screening (for) V82.9
- anemia, deficiency NEC V78.1
- antenatal, of mother V28.9
- alphafetoprotein levels, raised V28.1
- based on amniocentesis V28.2
- chromosomal anomalies V28.0
- raised alphafetoprotein levels V28.1
- fetal growth retardation using ultrasonics V28.4
- genomic V28.89
- isoimmunization V28.5
- malformations using ultrasonics V28.3
- proteomic V28.89
- raised alphafetoprotein levels V28.1
- risk
- specified condition NEC V28.89
- Streptococcus B V28.6
- arterial hypertension V81.1
- arthropod-borne viral disease NEC V73.5
- asymptomatic bacteriuria V81.5
- bacterial
- and spirochetal sexually transmitted diseases V74.5
- conjunctivitis V74.4
- disease V74.9
- sexually transmitted V74.5
- specified condition NEC V74.8
- bacteriuria, asymptomatic V81.5
- bronchitis, chronic V81.3
- cancer - see Screening, malignant neoplasm
- cardiovascular disease NEC V81.2
- chromosomal
- anomalies
- by amniocentesis, antenatal V28.0
- maternal postnatal V82.4
- athletes V70.3
- condition
- congenital
- conjunctivitis, bacterial V74.4
- contamination NEC (see also Poisoning) V82.5
- coronary artery disease V81.0
- deficiency anemia NEC V78.1
- developmental handicap V79.9
- disease or disorder V82.9
- dislocation of hip, congenital V82.3
- elevated titer V82.9
- emphysema (chronic) V81.3
- encephalitis, viral (mosquito or tick borne) V73.5
- fever
- genitourinary condition NEC V81.6
- heavy metal poisoning V82.5
- helminthiasis, intestinal V75.7
- hematopoietic malignancy V76.89
- hemoglobinopathies NEC V78.3
- hormones in athletes V70.3
- HPV (human papillomavirus) V73.81
- human papillomavirus (HPV) V73.81
- inborn errors of metabolism NEC V77.7
- infection
- ingestion of radioactive substance V82.5
- intestinal helminthiasis V75.7
- iron deficiency anemia V78.0
- ischemic heart disease V81.0
- malignant neoplasm (of) V76.9
- maternal postnatal chromosomal anomalies V82.4
- mental
- metabolic errors, inborn V77.7
- neurological condition NEC V80.09
- nutritional disorder NEC V77.99
- parasitic infection NEC V75.8
- poisoning
- postnatal chromosomal anomalies, maternal V82.4
- prenatal - see Screening, antenatal
- pulmonary tuberculosis V74.1
- respiratory condition NEC V81.4
- rheumatic disorder NEC V82.2
- rheumatoid arthritis V82.1
- rickettsial disease V75.0
- senile macular lesions of eye V80.2
- sexually transmitted diseases V74.5
- sickle-cell anemia, disease, or trait V78.2
- special V82.9
- specified condition NEC V82.89
- spirochetal disease V74.9
- sexually transmitted V74.5
- specified type NEC V74.8
- stimulants in athletes V70.3
- tuberculosis, pulmonary V74.1
- viral encephalitis