Convert to ICD-10-CM:
795.39 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM R89.9 Unspecified abnormal finding in specimens from other organs, systems and tissues
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Findings, (abnormal), without diagnosis (examination) (laboratory test) 796.4
- culture, positive NEC 795.39
- blood 790.7
- HIV V08
- human immunodeficiency virus V08
- nose 795.39
- Staphylococcus - see Carrier (suspected) of, Staphylococcus
- skin lesion NEC 795.39
- spinal fluid 792.0
- sputum 795.39
- stool 792.1
- throat 795.39
- urine 791.9
- viral
- human immunodeficiency V08
- wound 795.39
- microbiologic NEC 795.39
- nose culture, positive 795.39
- sputum culture, positive 795.39
- for acid-fast bacilli 795.39
- throat culture, positive 795.39
- wound culture 795.39
- Positive
- culture (nonspecific) 795.39
- AIDS virus V08
- blood 790.7
- HIV V08
- human immunodeficiency virus V08
- nose 795.39
- Staphylococcus - see Carrier (suspected) of, Staphylococcus
- skin lesion NEC 795.39
- spinal fluid 792.0
- sputum 795.39
- stool 792.1
- throat 795.39
- urine 791.9
- wound 795.39
- Tuberculosis, tubercular, tuberculous (calcification) (calcified) (caseous) (chromogenic acid-fast bacilli) (congenital) (degeneration) (disease) (fibrocaseous) (fistula) (gangrene) (interstitial) (isolated circumscribed lesions) (necrosis) (parenchymatous) (ulcerative) 011.9
- pulmonary (artery) (incipient) (malignant) (multiple round foci) (pernicious) (reinfection stage) 011.9
- cavitated or with cavitation 011.2
- primary, progressive 010.8
- childhood type or first infection 010.0
- chromogenic acid-fast bacilli 795.39
- fibrosis or fibrotic 011.4
- infiltrative 011.0
- primary, progressive 010.9
- nodular 011.1
- specified NEC 011.8
- sputum positive only 795.39
- status following surgical collapse of lung NEC 011.9