Convert to ICD-10-CM:
511.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J90 Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J94.2 Hemothorax
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J94.8 Other specified pleural conditions
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Fluid
lung - see also Edema, lung
encysted 511.89
- Hematopneumothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hematothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hemopneumothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hemothorax 511.89
bacterial, nontuberculous 511.1
nontuberculous 511.89
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0
- Hydrohematopneumothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hydropneumohemothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hydropneumothorax 511.89
nontuberculous 511.89
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0
- Hydrops 782.3

pleura (see also Hydrothorax) 511.89
- Hydrothorax (double) (pleural) 511.89
chylous (nonfilarial) 457.8

filaria (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9
nontuberculous 511.89
tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0
- Pleurisy (acute) (adhesive) (chronic) (costal) (diaphragmatic) (double) (dry) (fetid) (fibrinous) (fibrous) (interlobar) (latent) (lung) (old) (plastic) (primary) (residual) (sicca) (sterile) (subacute) (unresolved) (with adherent pleura) 511.0

effusion (without mention of cause) 511.9

bacterial, nontuberculous 511.1

nontuberculous NEC 511.9

pneumococcal 511.1

specified type NEC 511.89

staphylococcal 511.1

streptococcal 511.1

tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0

primary, progressive 010.1

influenza, flu, or grippe (see also Influenza) 487.1

tuberculosis - see Pleurisy, tuberculous
encysted 511.89
hemorrhagic 511.89
- Pleurorrhea (see also Hydrothorax) 511.89
- Pneumohemothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Pneumohydrothorax (see also Hydrothorax) 511.89
- Water
brain - see Hydrocephalus
chest 511.89