2011 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 216.9
Benign neoplasm of skin site unspecified
- Short description: Benign neoplasm skin NOS.
- ICD-9-CM 216.9 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 216.9 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2011 version of ICD-9-CM 216.9.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 216.9: 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
216.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM D23.9 Other benign neoplasm of skin, unspecified
Approximate Synonyms
- Adenoma of skin, sebaceous
- Angiokeratoma
- Angiokeratoma of skin
- Apocrine cystadenoma
- Apocrine hidrocystoma
- Apocrine hydrocystoma
- Benign collagenoma
- Benign fibrous histiocytoma
- Benign neoplasm of skin
- Benign neoplasm, skin
- Benign neoplasm, trichoepithelioma
- Benign nevus of skin
- Blue nevus of skin
- Blue nevus, skin
- Collagen nevus of skin
- Collagenoma
- Congenital melanocytic nevus
- Congenital pigmented melanocytic nevus
- Cutaneous neurofibroma
- Dermal cellular nevus
- Dermal neurofibroma
- Dermatofibroma
- Dysplastic nevus
- Dysplastic nevus of skin
- Dysplastic nevus, skin
- Eccrine hidrocystoma
- Eccrine hidrocystoma of skin (disorder)
- Eccrine hydrocystoma
- Epidermal nevus
- Epithelioid and spindle cell nevus
- Fibrous histiocytoma of skin
- Halo nevus
- Hidradenoma, papillary
- Lymphomatoid papulosis
- Melanocytic hairy epidermal nevus
- Melanocytic nevus
- Melanocytic nevus, congenital
- Melanocytic nevus, congenital (birthmark)
- Muir Torre syndrome w benign sebaceous neoplasm
- Muir Torre syndrome w sebaceous benign neoplasm
- Neurofibroma, dermal
- Nevus
- Nevus (birthmark or mole)
- Nevus (birthmark or mole), atypical
- Nevus (birthmark or mole), melanocytic
- Nevus of skin, dysplastic
- Nevus of skin, dysplastic (birthmark or mole)
- Nevus, atypical
- Nevus, epidermal
- Nevus, melanocytic
- Nevus, pigmented hairy epidermal
- Nevus, spindle and epithelioid
- Papillary hidradenoma
- Pigmented hairy epidermal nevus
- Pilomatrixoma
- Sebaceous adenoma of skin
- Sebaceous adenoma, skin
- Syringoma
- Syringoma of skin (disorder)
- Torr�-Muir syndrome with benign sebaceous neoplasm
- Trichoepithelioma