Convert to ICD-10-CM:
871.7 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S05.60XA Penetrating wound without foreign body of unspecified eyeball, initial encounter
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Injury 959.9
- eyeball 921.3
- penetrating 871.7
- with
- partial loss (of intraocular tissue) 871.2
- prolapse or exposure (of intraocular tissue) 871.1
- without prolapse 871.0
- foreign body (nonmagnetic) 871.6
- superficial 918.9
- Penetrating wound - see also Wound, open, by site
- eyeball 871.7
- with foreign body (nonmagnetic) 871.6
- ocular (see also Penetrating wound, eyeball) 871.7
- Perforation, perforative (nontraumatic)
- traumatic
- external - see Wound, open, by site
- eye (see also Penetrating wound, ocular) 871.7
- internal organ - see Injury, internal, by site
- Wound, open (by cutting or piercing instrument) (by firearms) (cut) (dissection) (incised) (laceration) (penetration) (perforating) (puncture) (with initial hemorrhage, not internal) 879.8
- eyeball NEC 871.9
- laceration (see also Laceration, eyeball) 871.4
- penetrating (see also Penetrating wound, eyeball) 871.7
- intraocular 871.9
- with
- partial loss (of intraocular tissue) 871.2
- prolapse or exposure (of intraocular tissue) 871.1
- laceration (see also Laceration, eyeball) 871.4
- penetrating 871.7
- with foreign body (nonmagnetic) 871.6
- without prolapse (of intraocular tissue) 871.0
- ocular NEC 871.9
- adnexa 870.9
- specified region NEC 870.8
- laceration (see also Laceration, ocular) 871.4
- muscle (extraocular) 870.3
- with foreign body 870.4
- eyelid 870.1
- intraocular - see Wound, open, eyeball
- penetrating (see also Penetrating wound, ocular) 871.7