Convert to ICD-10-CM:
805.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S12.9XXA Fracture of neck, unspecified, initial encounter
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S22.009B Unspecified fracture of unspecified thoracic vertebra, initial encounter for open fracture
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S32.009B Unspecified fracture of unspecified lumbar vertebra, initial encounter for open fracture
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S32.10XB Unspecified fracture of sacrum, initial encounter for open fracture
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S32.2XXB Fracture of coccyx, initial encounter for open fracture
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Fracture (abduction) (adduction) (avulsion) (compression) (crush) (dislocation) (oblique) (separation) (closed) 829.0

vertebra, vertebral (back) (body) (column) (neural arch) (pedicle) (spine) (spinous process) (transverse process) (closed) 805.8


hematomyelia - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

injury to

cauda equina - see Fracture, vertebra, sacrum, with spinal cord injury

nerve - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

paralysis - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

paraplegia - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

quadriplegia - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

spinal concussion - see Fracture, vertebra, by site, with spinal cord injury

spinal cord injury (closed) NEC 806.8

cervical 806.0

chronic 733.13

dorsal, dorsolumbar 806.2

thoracic, thoracolumbar 806.2

atlanto-axial - see Fracture, vertebra, cervical
cervical (hangman) (teardrop) (closed) 805.00

coccyx (closed) 805.6

collapsed 733.13

compression, not due to trauma 733.13

dorsal (closed) 805.2

with spinal cord injury - see Fracture, vertebra, with spinal cord injury, dorsal

open 805.3

dorsolumbar (closed) 805.2

with spinal cord injury - see Fracture, vertebra, with spinal cord injury, dorsal

open 805.3

due to osteoporosis 733.13

fetus or newborn 767.4

lumbar (closed) 805.4

nontraumatic 733.13

open NEC 805.9
pathologic (any site) 733.13

sacrum (closed) 805.6

site unspecified (closed) 805.8

with spinal cord injury (closed) 806.8

open 805.9

stress (any site) 733.95

thoracic (closed) 805.2

with spinal cord injury - see Fracture, vertebra, with spinal cord injury, thoracic

open 805.3