Closed fracture of vault of skull with other and unspecified intracranial hemorrhage
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Fracture (abduction) (adduction) (avulsion) (compression) (crush) (dislocation) (oblique) (separation) (closed) 829.0
- skull (multiple NEC) (with face bones) (closed) 803.0
- with
- contusion, cerebral 803.1
- epidural hemorrhage 803.2
- extradural hemorrhage 803.2
- hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 803.3
- intracranial injury NEC 803.4
- laceration, cerebral 803.1
- other bones - see Fracture, multiple, skull
- subarachnoid hemorrhage 803.2
- subdural hemorrhage 803.2
- base (antrum) (ethmoid bone) (fossa) (internal ear) (nasal sinus) (occiput) (sphenoid) (temporal bone) (closed) 801.0
- with
- contusion, cerebral 801.1
- epidural hemorrhage 801.2
- extradural hemorrhage 801.2
- hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 801.3
- intracranial injury NEC 801.4
- laceration, cerebral 801.1
- subarachnoid hemorrhage 801.2
- subdural hemorrhage 801.2
- open 801.5
- with
- contusion, cerebral 801.6
- epidural hemorrhage 801.7
- extradural hemorrhage 801.7
- hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 801.8
- intracranial injury NEC 801.9
- laceration, cerebral 801.6
- subarachnoid hemorrhage 801.7
- subdural hemorrhage 801.7
- birth injury 767.3
- face bones - see Fracture, face bones
- open 803.5
- with
- contusion, cerebral 803.6
- epidural hemorrhage 803.7
- extradural hemorrhage 803.7
- hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 803.8
- intracranial injury NEC 803.9
- laceration, cerebral 803.6
- subarachnoid hemorrhage 803.7
- subdural hemorrhage 803.7
- vault (frontal bone) (parietal bone) (vertex) (closed) 800.0
- with
- contusion, cerebral 800.1
- epidural hemorrhage 800.2
- extradural hemorrhage 800.2
- hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 800.3
- intracranial injury NEC 800.4
- laceration, cerebral 800.1
- subarachnoid hemorrhage 800.2
- subdural hemorrhage 800.2
- open 800.5
- with
- contusion, cerebral 800.6
- epidural hemorrhage 800.7
- extradural hemorrhage 800.7
- hemorrhage (intracranial) NEC 800.8
- intracranial injury NEC 800.9
- laceration, cerebral 800.6
- subarachnoid hemorrhage 800.7
- subdural hemorrhage 800.7