Unspecified hypertensive heart and renal disease without heart failure or renal failure
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
404.90 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I13.10 Hypertensive heart and chronic kidney disease without heart failure, with stage 1 through stage 4 chronic kidney disease, or unspecified chronic kidney disease
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Arteriosclerosis, arteriosclerotic (artery) (deformans) (diffuse) (disease) (endarteritis) (general) (obliterans) (obliterative) (occlusive) (senile) (with calcification) 440.9
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Asthma, asthmatic (bronchial) (catarrh) (spasmodic) 493.9
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Change(s) (of) - see also Removal of
- cardiorenal (vascular) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Collapse 780.2
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Complex
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Complications
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Damage
- cardiorenal (vascular) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Decompensation
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Degeneration, degenerative
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2
- renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- arteriocardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- cardiorenal (arteriosclerotic) (hepatic) (hypertensive) (vascular) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- cardiovascular (arteriosclerotic) 429.2
- congenital 746.9
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- syphilitic (asymptomatic) 093.9
- Dropsy, dropsical (see also Edema) 782.3
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Insufficiency, insufficient
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2
- renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- Sclerosis, sclerotic
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- cardiovascular (see also Disease, cardiovascular) 429.2
- renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- renal 587
- with
- cystine storage disease 270.0
- hypertension (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
- hypertensive heart disease (conditions classifiable to 402) (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- arteriolar (hyaline) (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
- hyperplastic (see also Hypertension, kidney) 403.90
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- cardiorenal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90
- cardiovascular renal (see also Hypertension, cardiorenal) 404.90