- A2 anemia 282.49
- altitude effects 993.2
- arch
- artery (arterial) tension (see also Hypertension) 401.9
- without diagnosis of hypertension 796.2
- basal metabolic rate (BMR) 794.7
- blood pressure (see also Hypertension) 401.9
- incidental reading (isolated) (nonspecific), no diagnosis of hypertension 796.2
- cholesterol 272.0
- with high triglycerides 272.2
- compliance bladder 596.4
- diaphragm (congenital) 756.6
- frequency deafness (congenital) (regional) 389.8
- head at term 652.5
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.1
- output failure (cardiac) (see also Failure, heart) 428.9
- oxygen-affinity hemoglobin 289.0
- palate 750.26
- risk
- behavior -see problem
- family situation V61.9
- specified circumstance NEC V61.8
- human papillomavirus (HPV) DNA test positive
- individual NEC V62.89
- infant NEC V20.1
- patient taking drugs (prescribed) V67.51
- nonprescribed (see also Abuse, drugs, nondependent) 305.9
- pregnancy V23.9
- inadequate prenatal care V23.7
- specified problem NEC V23.89
- temperature (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.60
- thoracic rib 756.3
- triglycerides 272.1
- with high cholesterol 272.2