2009 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code V72.42
Pregnancy examination or test, positive result
- Short description: PREGNANCY TEST-POSITIVE.
- ICD-9-CM V72.42 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, V72.42 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2009 version of ICD-9-CM V72.42.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM V72.42: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
V72.42 converts directly to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM Z32.01 Encounter for pregnancy test, result positive
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Admission (encounter)
- for
- adequacy testing (for)
- adjustment (of)
- artificial
- brain neuropacemaker V53.02
- breast
- implant V52.4
- exchange (different material) (different size) V52.4
- prosthesis V52.4
- cardiac device V53.39
- catheter
- cerebral ventricle (communicating) shunt V53.01
- colostomy belt V55.3
- contact lenses V53.1
- cystostomy device V53.6
- dental prosthesis V52.3
- device, unspecified type V53.90
- dialysis catheter
- diaphragm (contraceptive) V25.02
- growth rod V54.02
- hearing aid V53.2
- ileostomy device V55.2
- intestinal appliance or device NEC V53.5
- intrauterine contraceptive device V25.1
- neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) V53.02
- orthodontic device V53.4
- orthopedic (device) V53.7
- pacemaker
- prosthesis V52.9
- spectacles V53.1
- wheelchair V53.8
- adoption referral or proceedings V68.89
- aftercare (see also Aftercare) V58.9
- antineoplastic
- artificial insemination V26.1
- assisted reproductive fertility procedure cycle V26.81
- attention to artificial opening (of) V55.9
- battery replacement
- blood typing V72.86
- boarding V65.0
- breast
- augmentation or reduction V50.1
- implant exchange (different material) (different size) V52.4
- reconstruction following mastectomy V51.0
- removal
- prophylactic V50.41
- tissue expander without synchronous insertion of permanent implant V52.4
- change of
- cardiac pacemaker (battery) V53.31
- carotid sinus pacemaker V53.39
- catheter in artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening
- drains V58.49
- dressing
- fixation device
- Kirschner wire V54.89
- neuropacemaker device (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) V53.02
- nonsurgical wound dressing V58.30
- pacemaker device
- plaster cast V54.89
- splint, external V54.89
- Steinmann pin V54.89
- surgical wound dressing V58.31
- traction device V54.89
- wound packing V58.30
- checkup only V70.0
- chemotherapy, antineoplastic V58.11
- circumcision, ritual or routine (in absence of medical indication) V50.2
- clinical research investigation (control) (normal comparison) (participant) V70.7
- closure of artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening
- contraceptive
- convalescence following V66.9
- cosmetic surgery NEC V50.1
- breast reconstruction following mastectomy V51.0
- following healed injury or operation V51.8
- counseling (see also Counseling) V65.40
- desensitization to allergens V07.1
- dialysis V56.0
- catheter
- fitting and adjustment
- removal or replacement
- extracorporeal (renal) V56.0
- peritoneal V56.8
- renal V56.0
- dietary surveillance and counseling V65.3
- drug monitoring, therapeutic V58.83
- ear piercing V50.3
- elective surgery
- breast
- augmentation or reduction V50.1
- reconstruction following mastectomy V51.0
- removal, prophylactic V50.41
- circumcision, ritual or routine (in absence of medical indication) V50.2
- cosmetic NEC V50.1
- breast reconstruction following mastectomy V51.0
- following healed injury or operation V51.8
- ear piercing V50.3
- face-lift V50.1
- hair transplant V50.0
- plastic
- breast reconstruction following mastectomy V51.0
- cosmetic NEC V50.1
- following healed injury or operation V51.8
- prophylactic organ removal V50.49
- repair of scarred tissue (following healed injury or operation) V51.8
- specified type NEC V50.8
- end-of-life care V66.7
- examination (see also Examination) V70.9
- administrative purpose NEC V70.3
- adoption V70.3
- allergy V72.7
- at health care facility V70.0
- athletic team V70.3
- camp V70.3
- cardiovascular, preoperative V72.81
- clinical research investigation (control) (participant) V70.7
- dental V72.2
- developmental testing (child) (infant) V20.2
- donor (potential) V70.8
- driver's license V70.3
- ear V72.19
- employment V70.5
- eye V72.0
- follow-up (routine) - see Examination, follow-up
- for admission to
- general V70.9
- specified reason NEC V70.8
- gynecological V72.31
- health supervision (child) (infant) V20.2
- hearing V72.19
- following failed hearing screening V72.11
- immigration V70.3
- infant, routine V20.2
- insurance certification V70.3
- laboratory V72.6
- marriage license V70.3
- medical (general) (see also Examination, medical) V70.9
- medicolegal reasons V70.4
- naturalization V70.3
- pelvic (annual) (periodic) V72.31
- postpartum checkup V24.2
- pregnancy (possible) (unconfirmed) V72.40
- negative result V72.41
- positive result V72.42
- preoperative V72.84
- preprocedural V72.84
- prison V70.3
- psychiatric (general) V70.2
- requested by authority V70.1
- radiological NEC V72.5
- respiratory, preoperative V72.82
- school V70.3
- screening - see Screening
- skin hypersensitivity V72.7
- specified type NEC V72.85
- sport competition V70.3
- vision V72.0
- well baby and child care V20.2
- exercise therapy V57.1
- face-lift, cosmetic reason V50.1
- fitting (of)
- artificial
- biliary drainage tube V58.82
- brain neuropacemaker V53.02
- breast V52.4
- cardiac pacemaker V53.31
- catheter
- cerebral ventricle (communicating) shunt V53.01
- chest tube V58.82
- colostomy belt V55.2
- contact lenses V53.1
- cystostomy device V53.6
- dental prosthesis V52.3
- device, unspecified type V53.90
- diaphragm (contraceptive) V25.02
- growth rod V54.02
- fistula (sinus tract) drainage tube V58.82
- hearing aid V53.2
- ileostomy device V55.2
- intestinal appliance or device NEC V53.5
- intrauterine contraceptive device V25.1
- neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) V53.02
- orthodontic device V53.4
- orthopedic (device) V53.7
- pacemaker
- pleural drainage tube V58.82
- portacath V58.81
- prosthesis V52.9
- spectacles V53.1
- wheelchair V53.8
- follow-up examination (routine) (following) V67.9
- hair transplant, for cosmetic reason V50.0
- health advice, education, or instruction V65.4
- hearing conservation and treatment V72.12
- hormone replacement therapy (postmenopausal) V07.4
- hospice care V66.7
- immunotherapy, antineoplastic V58.12
- insertion (of)
- subdermal implantable contraceptive V25.5
- insulin pump titration V53.91
- insulin pump training V65.46
- intrauterine device
- investigation to determine further disposition V63.8
- in vitro fertilization cycle V26.81
- isolation V07.0
- issue of
- disability examination certificate V68.01
- medical certificate NEC V68.09
- repeat prescription NEC V68.1
- contraceptive device NEC V25.49
- kidney dialysis V56.0
- lengthening of growth rod V54.02
- mental health evaluation V70.2
- requested by authority V70.1
- natural family planning counseling and advice
- nonmedical reason NEC V68.89
- nursing care evaluation V63.8
- observation (without need for further medical care) (see also Observation) V71.9
- accident V71.4
- alleged rape or seduction V71.5
- criminal assault V71.6
- following accident V71.4
- foreign body ingestion V71.89
- growth and development variations, childhood V21.0
- inflicted injury NEC V71.6
- ingestion of deleterious agent or foreign body V71.89
- injury V71.6
- malignant neoplasm V71.1
- mental disorder V71.09
- newborn - see Observation, suspected, condition, newborn
- rape V71.5
- specified NEC V71.89
- disorder V71.9
- maternal and fetal problem not found
- tuberculosis V71.2
- occupational therapy V57.21
- organ transplant, donor - see Donor
- ovary, ovarian removal, prophylactic V50.42
- palliative care V66.7
- Papanicolaou smear
- cervix V76.2
- for suspected malignant neoplasm V76.2
- routine, as part of gynecological examination V72.31
- to confirm findings of recent normal smear following initial abnormal smear V72.32
- following hysterectomy for malignant condition V67.01
- vaginal V76.47
- passage of sounds or bougie in artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening
- paternity testing V70.4
- peritoneal dialysis V56.32
- physical therapy NEC V57.1
- plastic surgery
- breast reconstruction following mastectomy V51.0
- cosmetic NEC V50.1
- following healed injury or operation V51.8
- postmenopausal hormone replacement therapy V07.4
- postpartum observation
- immediately after delivery V24.0
- routine follow-up V24.2
- poststerilization (for restoration) V26.0
- procreative management V26.9
- assisted reproductive fertility procedure cycle V26.81
- in vitro fertilization cycle V26.81
- specified type NEC V26.89
- prophylactic
- psychiatric examination (general) V70.2
- requested by authority V70.1
- radiation management V58.0
- radiotherapy V58.0
- reconstruction following mastectomy V51.0
- reforming of artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening
- rehabilitation V57.9
- removal of
- breast tissue expander without synchronous insertion of permanent implant V52.4
- cardiac pacemaker V53.31
- cast (plaster) V54.89
- catheter from artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening
- cerebral ventricle (communicating) shunt V53.01
- cystostomy catheter V55.5
- device
- cerebral ventricle (communicating) shunt V53.01
- fixation
- intrauterine contraceptive V25.42
- traction, external V54.89
- drains V58.49
- dressing
- fixation device
- intrauterine contraceptive device V25.42
- Kirschner wire V54.89
- neuropacemaker (brain) (peripheral nerve) (spinal cord) V53.02
- nonsurgical wound dressing V58.30
- orthopedic fixation device
- pacemaker device
- plaster cast V54.89
- plate (fracture) V54.01
- rod V54.01
- screw (fracture) V54.01
- splint, traction V54.89
- staples V58.32
- Steinmann pin V54.89
- subdermal implantable contraceptive V25.43
- surgical wound dressing V58.31
- sutures V58.32
- traction device, external V54.89
- ureteral stent V53.6
- wound packing V58.30
- repair of scarred tissue (following healed injury or operation) V51.8
- reprogramming of cardiac pacemaker V53.31
- respirator [ventilator] dependence
- restoration of organ continuity (poststerilization) (tuboplasty) (vasoplasty) V26.0
- Rh typing V72.86
- sensitivity test - see also Test, skin
- social service (agency) referral or evaluation V63.8
- speech therapy V57.3
- sterilization V25.2
- suspected disorder (ruled out) (without need for further care) - see Observation
- terminal care V66.7
- tests only - see Test
- therapeutic drug monitoring V58.83
- therapy
- blood transfusion, without reported diagnosis V58.2
- breathing exercises V57.0
- chemotherapy, antineoplastic V58.11
- dialysis (intermittent) (treatment)
- exercise (remedial) NEC V57.1
- immunotherapy, antineoplastic V58.12
- long-term (current) drug use NEC V58.69
- occupational V57.21
- orthoptic V57.4
- physical NEC V57.1
- radiation V58.0
- speech V57.3
- vocational V57.22
- toilet or cleaning
- of artificial opening - see Attention to, artificial, opening
- of non-vascular catheter V58.82
- of vascular catheter V58.81
- tubal ligation V25.2
- tuboplasty for previous sterilization V26.0
- ultrasound, routine fetal V28.3
- vaccination, prophylactic (against)
- arthropod-borne virus, viral NEC V05.1
- Bacille Calmette Guérin (BCG) V03.2
- BCG V03.2
- chickenpox V05.4
- cholera alone V03.0
- with typhoid-paratyphoid (cholera + TAB) V06.0
- common cold V04.7
- dengue V05.1
- diphtheria alone V03.5
- diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) (DTaP) V06.1
- with
- poliomyelitis (DTP polio) V06.3
- typhoid-paratyphoid (DTP + TAB) V06.2
- diphtheria-tetanus [Td] [DT] without pertussis V06.5
- disease (single) NEC V05.9
- encephalitis, viral, arthropod-borne V05.0
- Hemophilus influenzae, type B [Hib] V03.81
- hepatitis, viral V05.3
- human papillomavirus (HPV) V04.89
- immune sera (gamma globulin) V07.2
- influenza V04.81
- with
- Streptococcus pneumoniae [pneumococcus] V06.6
- Leishmaniasis V05.2
- measles alone V04.2
- measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) V06.4
- mumps alone V04.6
- with measles and rubella (MMR) V06.4
- not done because of contraindication V64.09
- pertussis alone V03.6
- plague V03.3
- pneumonia V03.82
- poliomyelitis V04.0
- with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP polio) V06.3
- rabies V04.5
- respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) V04.82
- rubella alone V04.3
- with measles and mumps (MMR) V06.4
- smallpox V04.1
- specified type NEC V05.8
- Streptococcus pneumoniae [pneumococcus] V03.82
- tetanus toxoid alone V03.7
- with diphtheria [Td] [DT] V06.5
- and pertussis (DTP) (DTaP) V06.1
- tuberculosis (BCG) V03.2
- tularemia V03.4
- typhoid alone V03.1
- with diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (TAB + DTP) V06.2
- typhoid-paratyphoid alone (TAB) V03.1
- typhus V05.8
- varicella (chicken pox) V05.4
- viral encephalitis, arthropod-borne V05.0
- viral hepatitis V05.3
- yellow fever V04.4
- vasectomy V25.2
- vasoplasty for previous sterilization V26.0
- vision examination V72.0
- vocational therapy V57.22
- waiting period for admission to other facility V63.2
- undergoing social agency investigation V63.8
- well baby and child care V20.2
- x-ray of chest
- Examination (general) (routine) (of) (for) V70.9
- pregnancy (unconfirmed) (possible) V72.40
- negative result V72.41
- positive result V72.42
- Pregnancy (single) (uterine) (without sickness) V22.2
- examination, pregnancy
- negative result V72.41
- not confirmed V72.40
- positive result V72.42
- Test(s)
- pregnancy
- negative result V72.41
- positive result V72.42
- unconfirmed V72.40