2009 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 824.8
Unspecified fracture of ankle closed
- Short description: FX ANKLE NOS-CLOSED.
- ICD-9-CM 824.8 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 824.8 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2009 version of ICD-9-CM 824.8.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 824.8: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
824.8 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM S82.899A Other fracture of unspecified lower leg, initial encounter for closed fracture
Approximate Synonyms
- Closed distal physeal fracture of left tibia
- Closed distal physeal fracture of right tibia
- Closed fracture of ankle
- Closed fracture of distal end of left fibula
- Closed fracture of distal end of left tibia
- Closed fracture of distal end of right fibula
- Closed fracture of distal end of right tibia
- Closed fracture of distal physis of left fibula
- Closed fracture of distal physis of right fibula
- Closed fracture of left ankle
- Closed fracture of right ankle
- Closed FX of ankle
- Fracture fibula, distal
- Fracture of ankle
- Fracture of distal end of fibula
- Fracture of distal end of tibia
- Fracture tibia, distal
- FX fibula, distal
- FX of ankle
- FX tibia, distal
- Left ankle fracture
- Left ankle Fx
- Left distal fibula Fx
- Left distal tibia Fx
- Left fibula (lower leg bone) fracture
- Left fibula distal physeal Fx
- Left fibula physeal (lower leg bone) fracture
- Left tibia (lower leg bone) fracture
- Left tibia distal physeal Fx
- Left tibia physeal (lower leg bone) fracture
- Right ankle fracture
- Right ankle Fx
- Right distal fibula Fx
- Right distal tibia Fx
- Right fibula (lower leg bone) fracture
- Right fibula distal physeal Fx
- Right fibula physeal (lower leg bone) fracture
- Right tibia (lower leg bone) fracture
- Right tibia distal physeal Fx
- Right tibia physeal (lower leg bone) fracture
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Fracture (abduction) (adduction) (avulsion) (compression) (crush) (dislocation) (oblique) (separation) (closed) 829.0
- ankle (malleolus) (closed) 824.8
- fibula (closed) 823.81
- with tibia 823.82
- distal end 824.8
- epiphysis
- lower 824.8
- upper - see Fracture, fibula, upper end
- head - see Fracture, fibula, upper end
- involving ankle 824.2
- lower end or extremity 824.8
- malleolus (external) (lateral) 824.2
- open NEC 823.91
- pathologic 733.16
- proximal end - see Fracture, fibula, upper end
- shaft 823.21
- stress 733.93
- torus 823.41
- upper end or extremity (epiphysis) (head) (proximal end) (styloid) 823.01
- malleolus (closed) 824.8
- bimalleolar 824.4
- lateral 824.2
- and medial - see also Fracture, malleolus, bimalleolar
- with lip of tibia - see Fracture, malleolus, trimalleolar
- open 824.3
- medial (closed) 824.0
- and lateral - see also Fracture, malleolus, bimalleolar
- with lip of tibia - see Fracture, malleolus, trimalleolar
- open 824.1
- open 824.9
- trimalleolar (closed) 824.6
- tibia (closed) 823.80
- with fibula 823.82
- condyles - see Fracture, tibia, upper end
- distal end 824.8
- epiphysis
- lower 824.8
- upper - see Fracture, tibia, upper end
- head (involving knee joint) - see Fracture, tibia, upper end
- intercondyloid eminence - see Fracture, tibia, upper end
- involving ankle 824.0
- lower end or extremity (anterior lip) (posterior lip) 824.8
- malleolus (internal) (medial) 824.0
- open NEC 823.90
- pathologic 733.16
- proximal end - see Fracture, tibia, upper end
- shaft 823.20
- spine - see Fracture, tibia, upper end
- stress 733.93
- torus 823.40
- tuberosity - see Fracture, tibia, upper end
- upper end or extremity (condyle) (epiphysis) (head) (spine) (proximal end) (tuberosity) 823.00