2009 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 791.9
Other nonspecific findings on examination of urine
- Short description: ABN URINE FINDINGS NEC.
- ICD-9-CM 791.9 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 791.9 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
- You are viewing the 2009 version of ICD-9-CM 791.9.
- More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 791.9: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM:
791.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM R82.5 Elevated urine levels of drugs, medicaments and biological substances
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM R82.99 Other abnormal findings in urine
Approximate Synonyms
- 17-ketosteroid in urine specimen above reference range
- 24 hour urine volume abnormal
- 24 hour urine volume excessive
- 3-Hydroxyisobutyric aciduria
- Abnl finding on urinalysis
- Abnl urinalysis finding
- Abnormal composition of urine
- Abnormal finding on urinalysis
- Abnormal findings on microbiological examination of urine
- abnormal urinalysis
- Abnormal urinary product
- Abnormal urine
- Abnormal urine odor
- Acholuria
- Aciduria
- Alkaluria
- Alpha ketoadipic aciduria
- Amorphous urinary sediment
- Amphetamine in urine
- Asymptomatic bacteriuria
- Bacteria in urine O/E
- Bacteriuria
- Bacteriuria (bacteria in urine)
- Black urine
- Blood in urine
- Calciuria
- Calciuria (calcium in urine)
- Carboxyhemoglobinuria
- Catheter stream urine = abnormal
- Chylous urine
- Cloudy urine
- Crude urine
- Crystalluria
- Deposit in urine
- Diabetic urine
- Discolored urine
- Drug, medicament, or biological substance in urine above reference range
- Dyspeptic urine
- Elevated urine sodium
- Elevated urine sodium measurement
- Elevated urine uric acid
- Febrile urine
- Feces in urine
- Finding of odor of urine
- Finding of porphobilinogen in urine
- Finding of porphyrins in urine
- Finding of urine culture: organisms
- Finding of urine microscopy: crystals
- Finding of urine microscopy: organisms/foreign bodies
- Finding of urine trace metal levels
- Foreign body in urine
- Foreign body in urine - microscopy
- Foreign body present on urine microscopy
- Foul smelling urine
- Gouty urine
- Hyperalbuminemia
- Impairment of urinary concentration
- Increased uric acid level
- Isosthenuria
- Leukocytes in urine
- Loss of identity
- Malodorous urine
- Mannoheptulosuria
- Melanuria
- Mid stream urine = abnormal
- Mucus in urine
- Paraquat in urine
- Pneumatouria
- Pus cells in urine
- Pyogenic proteinuria
- Pyuria
- Pyuria (pus cells in urine)
- Red blood cell- red blood cells in urine
- Screening for drug of abuse in urine specimen positive
- Special urinary test abnormal
- Sterile pyuria
- Sulfhemoglobinuria
- Urea and electrolytes abnormal
- Uremic frost
- Uric acid crystalluria
- Urinary casts
- Urinary crystal, ammonium urate
- Urinary crystal, amorphous phosphate
- Urinary crystal, amorphous urate
- Urinary crystal, bilirubin
- Urinary crystal, calcium bilirubinate
- Urinary crystal, calcium carbonate
- Urinary crystal, calcium hydrogen phosphate
- Urinary crystal, calcium hydrogen phosphate dihydrate
- Urinary crystal, calcium oxalate
- Urinary crystal, calcium oxalate dihydrate
- Urinary crystal, calcium oxalate monohydrate
- Urinary crystal, calcium phosphate
- Urinary crystal, calcium phosphate, carbonate form
- Urinary crystal, calcium phosphate, hydroxyl form
- Urinary crystal, calcium sulfate
- Urinary crystal, cholesterol
- Urinary crystal, cystine
- Urinary crystal, hippurate
- Urinary crystal, leucine
- Urinary crystal, magnesium ammonium phosphate
- Urinary crystal, magnesium ammonium phosphate hexahydrate
- Urinary crystal, magnesium hydrogen phosphate trihydrate
- Urinary crystal, phosphate
- Urinary crystal, pyrophosphate
- Urinary crystal, sodium acid urate
- Urinary crystal, sulfonamide
- Urinary crystal, tricalcium phosphate
- Urinary crystal, tyrosine
- Urinary reducing substance
- Urinary sediment
- Urine 17 ketogenic steroid level abnormal
- Urine adrenalin level abnormal
- Urine bacteria test: positive
- Urine blood test = +
- Urine blood test = ++
- Urine blood test = +++
- Urine calcium abnormal
- Urine chlamydia trachomatis test positive
- Urine color abnormal
- Urine culture - acid-fast bacilli
- Urine culture - mixed growth
- Urine culture - Staph. albus
- Urine culture - Streptococcus faecalis
- Urine cytology abnormal
- Urine electrolytes abnormal
- Urine glucose test = +
- Urine glucose test = ++
- Urine glucose test = +++
- Urine glucose test = ++++
- Urine glucose test = trace
- Urine ketone test = +
- Urine ketone test = ++
- Urine ketone test = +++
- Urine ketone test = ++++
- Urine ketone test = trace
- Urine leukocyte test one plus
- Urine leukocyte test three plus
- Urine leukocyte test two plus
- Urine looks dark
- Urine looks pale
- Urine microscopy = abnormality
- Urine microscopy: bacteria present
- Urine microscopy: Ca oxalate crystal
- Urine microscopy: cysteine crystals
- Urine microscopy: leucine crystals
- Urine microscopy: parasites present
- Urine microscopy: phosphate crystals
- Urine microscopy: tyrosine crystals
- Urine microscopy: uric acid crystals
- Urine nitrite positive
- Urine norepinephrine level abnormal
- Urine protein abnormal
- Urine protein electrophoresis abnormal
- Urine protein test = +
- Urine protein test = ++
- Urine protein test = +++
- Urine protein test = ++++
- Urine protein test = trace
- Urine screening abnormal
- Urine smell ammoniacal
- Urine smell fishy
- Urine urate abnormal
- Urine urobilinogen = +
- Urine urobilinogen = ++
- Urine urobilinogen = +++
- Urine urobilinogen = ++++
- Urine urobilinogen = trace
- Urine: dark/concentrated
- Urine: orange
- Urine: pale
- Urine: trace hemolyzed blood
- Urine: trace non-hemolyzed blood
- Urine: turbid
- Urobilinogenuria
- Urodynamic studies abnormal
- Viruria
- Xanthurenic aciduria
- X-linked glutaric aciduria, type 2
Applies To
- Crystalluria
- Elevated urine levels of:
- 17-ketosteroids
- catecholamines
- indolacetic acid
- vanillylmandelic acid [VMA]
- Melanuria
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Abnormal, abnormality, abnormalities - see also Anomaly
- urine (constituents) NEC 791.9
- Aciduria 791.9
- beta-aminoisobutyric (BAIB) 277.2
- glutaric
- orotic (congenital) (hereditary) (pyrimidine deficiency) 281.4
- Albarrán's disease (colibacilluria) 791.9
- Bacilluria 791.9
- asymptomatic, in pregnancy or puerperium 646.5
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 016.9
- Bacteria
- in urine (see also Bacteriuria) 791.9
- Bacteriuria, bacteruria 791.9
- with
- urinary tract infection 599.0
- asymptomatic 791.9
- in pregnancy or puerperium 646.5
- affecting fetus or newborn 760.1
- Calciuria 791.9
- Cocciuria 791.9
- Coccus in urine 791.9
- Colibacilluria 791.9
- Crystalluria 791.9
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Albarrán's (colibacilluria) 791.9
- Elevation
- 17-ketosteroids 791.9
- indolacetic acid 791.9
- vanillylmandelic acid 791.9
- VMA 791.9
- Findings, abnormal, without diagnosis (examination) (laboratory test) 796.4
- 17-ketosteroids, elevated 791.9
- bacteriuria 791.9
- catecholamines 791.9
- cloudy urine 791.9
- color of urine (unusual) NEC 791.9
- crystals, urine 791.9
- electrolyte level, urinary 791.9
- indolacetic acid, elevated 791.9
- melanin, urine 791.9
- odor of urine (unusual) NEC 791.9
- pyuria 791.9
- urine, urinary constituents 791.9
- vanillylmandelic acid, elevated 791.9
- VMA, elevated 791.9
- Hyperazotemia 791.9
- Lithuria 791.9
- Melanuria 791.9
- Positive
- Pus
- in
- Pyuria (bacterial) 791.9
- Uricosuria 791.9
- Urine, urinary - see also condition
- pus in 791.9