Specific code 2009 ICD-9-CM Diagnosis Code 693.0
Dermatitis due to drugs and medicines taken internally
  • Short description: DRUG DERMATITIS NOS.
  • ICD-9-CM 693.0 is a billable medical code that can be used to indicate a diagnosis on a reimbursement claim, however, 693.0 should only be used for claims with a date of service on or before September 30, 2015. For claims with a date of service on or after October 1, 2015, use an equivalent ICD-10-CM code (or codes).
  • You are viewing the 2009 version of ICD-9-CM 693.0.
  • More recent version(s) of ICD-9-CM 693.0: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015.
Convert to ICD-10-CM: 693.0 converts approximately to:
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM L27.0 Generalized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments taken internally
  • 2015/16 ICD-10-CM L27.1 Localized skin eruption due to drugs and medicaments taken internally
Approximate Synonyms
  • Dermatitis due to chemotherapy
  • Dermatitis due to drug AND/OR medicine taken internally
  • Dermatitis due to drug taken internally
  • Drug rash
  • Eruption due to drug
  • Generalized dermatitis due to drug taken internally
  • Localized dermatitis due to drug taken internally
693.0 Excludes
  • that due to drugs in contact with skin (692.3)
Applies To
  • Dermatitis medicamentosa NOS
Use Additional
  • Use additional E code to identify drug
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to 693.0:
  • Dermatitis (allergic) (contact) (occupational) (venenata) 692.9
    • due to
      • acetone 692.2
      • acids 692.4
      • adhesive plaster 692.4
      • alcohol (skin contact) (substances classifiable to 980.0-980.9) 692.4
      • alkalis 692.4
      • allergy NEC 692.9
      • ammonia (household) (liquid) 692.4
      • animal
      • arnica 692.3
      • arsenic 692.4
      • blister beetle 692.89
      • cantharides 692.3
      • carbon disulphide 692.2
      • caterpillar 692.89
      • caustics 692.4
      • cereal (ingested) 693.1
      • chemical(s) NEC 692.4
      • chlorocompounds 692.2
      • coffee (ingested) 693.1
      • cold weather 692.89
      • cosmetics 692.81
      • cyclohexanes 692.2
      • dander, animal (cat) (dog) 692.84
      • deodorant 692.81
      • detergents 692.0
      • dichromate 692.4
      • drugs and medicinals (correct substance properly administered) (internal use) 693.0
        • external (in contact with skin) 692.3
          • wrong substance given or taken 976.9
            • specified substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
        • wrong substance given or taken 977.9
          • specified substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
      • dyes 692.89
      • epidermophytosis - see Dermatophytosis
      • esters 692.2
      • external irritant NEC 692.9
      • eye shadow 692.81
      • fish (ingested) 693.1
      • flour (ingested) 693.1
      • food (ingested) 693.1
        • in contact with skin 692.5
      • fruit (ingested) 693.1
      • fungicides 692.3
      • furs 692.84
      • glycols 692.2
      • greases NEC 692.1
      • hair, animal (cat) (dog) 692.84
      • hair dyes 692.89
      • hot
        • objects and materials - see Burn, by site
        • weather or places 692.89
      • hydrocarbons 692.2
      • infrared rays, except from sun 692.82
        • solar NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
      • ingested substance 693.9
        • drugs and medicinals (see also Dermatitis, due to, drugs and medicinals) 693.0
        • food 693.1
        • specified substance NEC 693.8
      • ingestion or injection of
        • chemical 693.8
        • drug (correct substance properly administered) 693.0
          • wrong substance given or taken 977.9
            • specified substance - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
      • insecticides 692.4
      • internal agent 693.9
        • drugs and medicinals (see also Dermatitis, due to, drugs and medicinals) 693.0
        • food (ingested) 693.1
          • in contact with skin 692.5
        • specified agent NEC 693.8
      • iodine 692.3
      • iodoform 692.3
      • irradiation 692.82
      • jewelry 692.83
      • keratolytics 692.3
      • ketones 692.2
      • lacquer tree (Rhus verniciflua) 692.6
      • light (sun) NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
      • low temperature 692.89
      • mascara 692.81
      • meat (ingested) 693.1
      • mercury, mercurials 692.3
      • metals 692.83
      • milk (ingested) 693.1
      • Neomycin 692.3
      • nylon 692.4
      • oils NEC 692.1
      • paint solvent 692.2
      • pediculocides 692.3
      • petroleum products (substances classifiable to 981) 692.4
      • phenol 692.3
      • photosensitiveness, photosensitivity (sun) 692.72
      • plants NEC 692.6
      • plasters, medicated (any) 692.3
      • plastic 692.4
      • poison
        • ivy (Rhus toxicodendron) 692.6
        • oak (Rhus diversiloba) 692.6
        • plant or vine 692.6
        • sumac (Rhus venenata) 692.6
        • vine (Rhus radicans) 692.6
      • preservatives 692.89
      • primrose (primula) 692.6
      • primula 692.6
      • radiation 692.82
        • sun NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
        • tanning bed 692.82
      • radioactive substance 692.82
      • radium 692.82
      • ragweed (Senecio jacobae) 692.6
      • Rhus (diversiloba) (radicans) (toxicodendron) (venenata) (verniciflua) 692.6
      • rubber 692.4
      • scabicides 692.3
      • Senecio jacobae 692.6
      • solar radiation - see Dermatitis, due to, sun
      • solvents (any) (substances classifiable to (982.0-982.8) 692.2
      • specified agent NEC 692.89
      • sun 692.70
      • sunburn (see also Sunburn) 692.71
      • sunshine NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
      • tanning bed 692.82
      • tetrachlorethylene 692.2
      • toluene 692.2
      • topical medications 692.3
      • turpentine 692.2
      • ultraviolet rays, except from sun 692.82
        • sun NEC (see also Dermatitis, due to, sun) 692.70
      • vaccine or vaccination (correct substance properly administered) 693.0
        • wrong substance given or taken
          • bacterial vaccine 978.8
            • specified - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
          • other vaccines NEC 979.9
            • specified - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
      • varicose veins (see also Varicose, vein, inflamed or infected) 454.1
      • x-rays 692.82
    • medicamentosa (correct substance properly administered) (internal use) (see also Dermatitis, due to, drugs or medicinals) 693.0
      • due to contact with skin 692.3
  • Erythema, erythematous (generalized) 695.9
    • due to
      • chemical (contact) NEC 692.4
      • drug (internal use) 693.0
  • Erythrodysesthesia, palmar plantar (PPE) 693.0
  • Hand-foot syndrome 693.0
  • PPE (palmar plantar erythrodysesthesia) 693.0
  • Rash 782.1
    • drug (internal use) 693.0
  • Syndrome - see also Disease
    • hand-foot 693.0
ICD-9-CM codes are used in medical billing and coding to describe diseases, injuries, symptoms and conditions. ICD-9-CM 693.0 is one of thousands of ICD-9-CM codes used in healthcare. Although ICD-9-CM and CPT codes are largely numeric, they differ in that CPT codes describe medical procedures and services. Can't find a code? Start at the root of ICD-9-CM, check the 2009 ICD-9-CM Index or use the search engine at the top of this page to lookup any code.