Convert to ICD-10-CM:
511.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J90 Pleural effusion, not elsewhere classified
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J94.2 Hemothorax
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM J94.8 Other specified pleural conditions
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Fluid
- lung - see also Edema, lung
- encysted 511.89
- Hematopneumothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hematothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hemopneumothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hemothorax 511.89
- bacterial, nontuberculous 511.1
- nontuberculous 511.89
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0
- Hydrohematopneumothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hydropneumohemothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Hydropneumothorax 511.89
- nontuberculous 511.89
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0
- Hydrops 782.3
- pleura (see also Hydrothorax) 511.89
- Hydrothorax (double) (pleural) 511.89
- chylous (nonfilarial) 457.8
- filaria (see also Infestation, filarial) 125.9
- nontuberculous 511.89
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0
- Pleurisy (acute) (adhesive) (chronic) (costal) (diaphragmatic) (double) (dry) (fetid) (fibrinous) (fibrous) (interlobar) (latent) (lung) (old) (plastic) (primary) (residual) (sicca) (sterile) (subacute) (unresolved) (with adherent pleura) 511.0
- with
- effusion (without mention of cause) 511.9
- bacterial, nontuberculous 511.1
- nontuberculous NEC 511.9
- pneumococcal 511.1
- specified type NEC 511.89
- staphylococcal 511.1
- streptococcal 511.1
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, pleura) 012.0
- primary, progressive 010.1
- influenza, flu, or grippe 487.1
- tuberculosis - see Pleurisy, tuberculous
- encysted 511.89
- hemorrhagic 511.89
- Pleurorrhea (see also Hydrothorax) 511.89
- Pneumohemothorax (see also Hemothorax) 511.89
- Pneumohydrothorax (see also Hydrothorax) 511.89
- Water
- on
- brain - see Hydrocephalus
- chest 511.89