Convert to ICD-10-CM:
414.8 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I25.5 Ischemic cardiomyopathy
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I25.89 Other forms of chronic ischemic heart disease
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I25.9 Chronic ischemic heart disease, unspecified
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Cardiomyopathy (congestive) (constrictive) (familial) (infiltrative) (obstructive) (restrictive) (sporadic) 425.4
- ischemic 414.8
- Degeneration, degenerative
- myocardium, myocardial (brown) (calcareous) (fatty) (fibrous) (hyaline) (mural) (muscular) (pigmentary) (senile) (with arteriosclerosis) 429.1
- with rheumatic fever (conditions classifiable to 390) 398.0
- active, acute, or subacute 391.2
- inactive or quiescent (with chorea) 398.0
- amyloid 277.39[425.7]
- congenital 746.89
- fetus or newborn 779.89
- gouty 274.82
- hypertensive (see also Hypertension, heart) 402.90
- ischemic 414.8
- rheumatic (see also Degeneration, myocardium, with rheumatic fever) 398.0
- syphilitic 093.82
- Infarct, infarction
- myocardium, myocardial (acute or with a stated duration of 8 weeks or less) (with hypertension) 410.9
- with symptoms after 8 weeks from date of infarction 414.8
- anterior (wall) (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) NEC 410.1
- anteroapical (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) 410.1
- anterolateral (wall) 410.0
- anteroseptal (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) 410.1
- apical-lateral 410.5
- atrial 410.8
- basal-lateral 410.5
- chronic (with symptoms after 8 weeks from date of infarction) 414.8
- diagnosed on ECG, but presenting no symptoms 412
- diaphragmatic wall (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) 410.4
- healed or old, currently presenting no symptoms 412
- high lateral 410.5
- impending 411.1
- inferior (wall) (with contiguous portion of intraventricular septum) 410.4
- inferolateral (wall) 410.2
- inferoposterior wall 410.3
- intraoperative 997.1
- lateral wall 410.5
- non-Q wave 410.7
- non-ST elevation (NSTEMI) 410.7
- nontransmural 410.7
- papillary muscle 410.8
- past (diagnosed on ECG or other special investigation, but currently presenting no symptoms) 412
- posterior (strictly) (true) (wall) 410.6
- posterobasal 410.6
- posteroinferior 410.3
- posterolateral 410.5
- postprocedural 997.1
- previous, currently presenting no symptoms 412
- Q wave (see also Infarct, myocardium, by site) 410.9
- septal 410.8
- specified site NEC 410.8
- ST elevation (STEMI) 410.9
- anterior (wall) 410.1
- anterolateral (wall) 410.0
- inferior (wall) 410.4
- inferolateral (wall) 410.2
- inferoposterior wall 410.3
- lateral wall 410.5
- posterior (strictly) (true) (wall) 410.6
- specified site NEC 410.8
- subendocardial 410.7
- syphilitic 093.82
- Insufficiency, insufficient
- coronary (acute or subacute) 411.89
- chronic or with a stated duration of over 8 weeks 414.8
- Ischemia, ischemic 459.9
- cardiomyopathy 414.8
- myocardium, myocardial (chronic or with a stated duration of over 8 weeks) 414.8
- acute (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
- without myocardial infarction 411.89
- with coronary (artery) occlusion 411.81