ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Catarrh, catarrhal (inflammation) (see also condition) 460
- liver 070.1
- with hepatic coma 070.0
- Hepatitis 573.3
- acute (see also Necrosis, liver) 570
- fulminant (viral) (see also Hepatitis, viral) 070.9
- with hepatic coma 070.6
- type A 070.1
- type B - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
- infectious, infective (acute) (chronic) (subacute) 070.1
- with hepatic coma 070.0
- viral (acute) (anicteric) (cholangiolitic) (cholestatic) (chronic) (subacute) 070.9
- with hepatic coma 070.6
- AU-SH type virus - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
- australian antigen - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
- B-antigen - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
- Coxsackie 074.8 [573.1]
- cytomegalic inclusion 078.5 [573.1]
- IH (virus) - see Hepatitis, viral, type A
- infectious hepatitis virus - see Hepatitis, viral, type A
- serum hepatitis virus - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
- SH - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
- specified type NEC 070.59
- type A 070.1
- type B (acute) 070.30
- type C
- type delta (with hepatitis B carrier state) 070.52
- with
- active hepatitis B disease - see Hepatitis, viral, type B
- hepatic coma 070.42
- type E 070.53
- vaccination and inoculation (prophylactic) V05.3
- Icterus (see also Jaundice) 782.4
- Jaundice (yellow) 782.4
- catarrhal (acute) 070.1
- with hepatic coma 070.0
- chronic 571.9
- epidemic - see Jaundice, epidemic
- epidemic (catarrhal) 070.1
- with hepatic coma 070.0
- leptospiral 100.0
- spirochetal 100.0
- febrile (acute) 070.1
- with hepatic coma 070.0
- leptospiral 100.0
- spirochetal 100.0
- infectious (acute) (subacute) 070.1
- with hepatic coma 070.0
- leptospiral 100.0
- spirochetal 100.0