- Keratomegaly 743.41
- Keratomycosis 111.1
- Keratopathy 371.40
- Keratoscleritis, tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.3 [370.31]
- Keratosis 701.1
- Keraunoparalysis 994.0
- Kerion (celsi) 110.0
- Kernicterus of newborn (not due to isoimmunization) 774.7
- Ketoacidosis 276.2
- Ketonuria 791.6
- Ketosis 276.2
- Kidney - see condition
- Kienböck's
- Kimmelstiel (-Wilson) disease or syndrome (intercapillary glomerulosclerosis) 250.4 [581.81]
- Kink, kinking
- Kinnier Wilson's disease (hepatolenticular degeneration) 275.1
- Kissing
- Klauder's syndrome (erythema multiforme exudativum) 695.1
- Klebs' disease (see also Nephritis) 583.9
- Klein-Waardenburg syndrome (ptosis-epicanthus) 270.2
- Kleine-Levin syndrome 327.13
- Kleptomania 312.32