ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Allergy, allergic (reaction) 995.3
- serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) 999.5
- shock (anaphylactic) (due to adverse effect of correct medicinal substance properly administered) 995.0
- food - see Anaphylactic shock, due to, food
- from serum or immunization 999.5
- Arthus phenomenon 995.21
- due to
- correct substance properly administered 995.21
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken 977.9
- specified drug - see Table of Drugs and Chemicals
- serum 999.5
- Complications
- vaccination 999.9
- anaphylaxis NEC 999.4
- cellulitis 999.39
- encephalitis or encephalomyelitis 323.51
- hepatitis (serum) (type B) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral
- infection (general) (local) NEC 999.39
- jaundice (serum) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral
- meningitis 997.09 [321.8]
- myelitis 323.52
- protein sickness 999.5
- reaction (allergic) 999.5
- Herxheimer's 995.0
- serum 999.5
- sepsis 999.39
- serum intoxication, sickness, rash, or other serum reaction NEC 999.5
- shock (allergic) (anaphylactic) 999.4
- subacute yellow atrophy of liver (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral
- vaccinia (generalized) 999.0
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- serum NEC 999.5
- Effect, adverse NEC
- serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) NEC 999.5
- Encephalopathy (acute) 348.30
- due to
- birth injury (intracranial) 767.8
- dialysis 294.8
- hyperinsulinism - see Hyperinsulinism
- influenza (virus) 487.8
- lack of vitamin (see also Deficiency, vitamin) 269.2
- nicotinic acid deficiency 291.2
- serum (nontherapeutic) (therapeutic) 999.5
- syphilis 094.81
- trauma (postconcussional) 310.2
- current (see also Concussion, brain) 850.9
- with skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site, with intracranial injury
- vaccination 323.51
- Intoxication
- serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) 999.5
- Neuritis (see also Neuralgia) 729.2
- serum 999.5
- Protein
- sickness (prophylactic) (therapeutic) 999.5
- Rash 782.1
- serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) 999.5
- Reaction
- allergic (see also Allergy) 995.3
- drug, medicinal substance, and biological - see Allergy, drug
- food - see Allergy, food
- serum 999.5
- serum (prophylactic) (therapeutic) 999.5
- Serum
- allergy, allergic reaction 999.5
- complication or reaction NEC 999.5
- disease NEC 999.5
- intoxication 999.5
- neuritis 999.5
- poisoning NEC 999.5
- rash NEC 999.5
- reaction NEC 999.5
- sickness NEC 999.5
- Sickness
- protein (see also Complications, vaccination) 999.5
- serum NEC 999.5
- Urticaria 708.9
- due to
- serum 999.5