Convert to ICD-10-CM:
999.0 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T88.1XXA Other complications following immunization, not elsewhere classified, initial encounter
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Complications
- vaccination 999.9
- anaphylaxis NEC 999.4
- cellulitis 999.39
- encephalitis or encephalomyelitis 323.51
- hepatitis (serum) (type B) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral
- infection (general) (local) NEC 999.39
- jaundice (serum) (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral
- meningitis 997.09 [321.8]
- myelitis 323.52
- protein sickness 999.5
- reaction (allergic) 999.5
- sepsis 999.39
- serum intoxication, sickness, rash, or other serum reaction NEC 999.5
- shock (allergic) (anaphylactic) 999.4
- subacute yellow atrophy of liver (within 8 months after administration) - see Hepatitis, viral
- vaccinia (generalized) 999.0
- Cowpox (abortive) 051.0
- due to vaccination 999.0
- Eczema (acute) (allergic) (chronic) (erythematous) (fissum) (occupational) (rubrum) (squamous) 692.9
- vaccination, vaccinatum 999.0
- Eruption
- skin (see also Dermatitis) 782.1
- creeping (meaning hookworm) 126.9
- due to
- chemical(s) NEC 692.4
- drug - see Dermatitis, due to, drug
- prophylactic inoculation or vaccination against disease - see Dermatitis, due to, vaccine
- smallpox vaccination NEC - see Dermatitis, due to, vaccine
- erysipeloid 027.1
- feigned 698.4
- hutchinson, summer 692.72
- kaposi's, varicelliform 054.0
- lichenoid, axilla 698.3
- polymorphous, due to light 692.72
- toxic NEC 695.0
- vesicular 709.8
- Kaposi's
- varicelliform eruption 054.0
- vaccinia 999.0
- Vaccinia (generalized) 999.0
- not from vaccination 051.0
- without vaccination 051.0