ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Chill(s) 780.99
- with fever 780.6
- Elevation
- body temperature (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- Ephemeral fever (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- Febricula (continued) (simple) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- Febrile (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- Febris (see also Fever) 780.6
- aestiva (see also Fever, hay) 477.9
- flava (see also Fever, yellow) 060.9
- pestis (see also Plague) 020.9
- puerperalis 672
- recurrens (see also Fever, relapsing) 087.9
- pediculo vestimenti 087.0
- Fever 780.6
- with chills 780.6
- in malarial regions (see also Malaria) 084.6
- American
- and ague (see also Malaria) 084.6
- arbovirus hemorrhagic 065.9
- Bangkok hemorrhagic 065.4
- biliary, CharcĂ´t's intermittent - see Choledocholithiasis
- bilious, hemoglobinuric 084.8
- brain 323.9
- late effect - see category 326
- Bwamba (encephalitis) 066.3
- Cameroon (see also Malaria) 084.6
- catarrhal (acute) 460
- cerebral 323.9
- late effect - see category 326
- cerebrospinal (meningococcal) (see also Meningitis, cerebrospinal) 036.0
- CharcĂ´t's (biliary) (hepatic) (intermittent) see Choledocholithiasis
- Chikungunya (viral) 066.3
- Colombo (see also Fever, paratyphoid) 002.9
- Colorado tick (virus) 066.1
- congestive
- malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
- remittent (see also Malaria) 084.6
- continued 780.6
- Corsican (see also Malaria) 084.6
- Crimean hemorrhagic 065.0
- Cyprus (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
- deer fly (see also Tularemia) 021.9
- dehydration, newborn 778.4
- dengue (virus) 061
- ephemeral (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- epidemic, hemorrhagic of the Far East 065.0
- erysipelatous (see also Erysipelas) 035
- estivo-autumnal (malarial) 084.0
- famine - see also Fever, relapsing
- meaning typhus - see Typhus
- Far Eastern hemorrhagic 065.0
- gastromalarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
- Gibraltar (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
- hay (allergic) (with rhinitis) 477.9
- with
- asthma (bronchial) (see also Asthma) 493.0
- due to
- dander, animal (cat) (dog) 477.2
- dust 477.8
- fowl 477.8
- hair, animal (cat) (dog) 477.2
- pollen, any plant or tree 477.0
- specified allergen other than pollen 477.8
- hemoglobinuric (malarial) 084.8
- hemorrhagic (arthropod-borne) NEC 065.9
- hepatic (see also Cholecystitis) 575.8
- intermittent (CharcĂ´t's) - see Choledocholithiasis
- herpetic (see also Herpes) 054.9
- inanition 780.6
- intermittent (bilious) (see also Malaria) 084.6
- hepatic (CharcĂ´t) - see Choledocholithiasis
- of unknown origin (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- pernicious 084.0
- iodide
- correct substance properly administered 780.6
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken 975.5
- Junin virus, hemorrhagic 078.7
- lung - see Pneumonia
- Machupo virus, hemorrhagic 078.7
- malaria, malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
- Malta (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
- marsh (see also Malaria) 084.6
- Mediterranean (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
- meningeal - see Meningitis
- Mexican - see Typhus, Mexican
- miasmatic (see also Malaria) 084.6
- milk, female 672
- mite-borne hemorrhagic 065.8
- mountain 066.1
- meaning
- Rocky Mountain spotted 082.0
- undulant fever (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
- tick (American) 066.1
- Neapolitan (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
- nonexanthematous tick 066.1
- North Asian tick-borne typhus 082.2
- O'nyong nyong (viral) 066.3
- paludal (see also Malaria) 084.6
- persistent (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- pharyngoconjunctival 077.2
- Philippine hemorrhagic 065.4
- pleural (see also Pleurisy) 511.0
- pneumonic - see Pneumonia
- puerperal, postpartum 672
- putrid - see Septicemia
- pyemic - see Septicemia
- Queensland (coastal) 083.0
- rabbit (see also Tularemia) 021.9
- rat-bite 026.9
- due to
- Spirillum minor or minus 026.0
- Spirochaeta morsus muris 026.0
- Streptobacillus moniliformis 026.1
- recurrent - see Fever, relapsing
- remittent (bilious) (congestive) (gastric) (see also Malaria) 084.6
- rheumatic (active) (acute) (chronic) (subacute) 390
- with heart involvement 391.9
- inactive or quiescent with
- Rift Valley (viral) 066.3
- Rocky Mountain spotted 082.0
- Russian hemorrhagic 078.6
- San Joaquin (valley) 114.0
- septic - see Septicemia
- Singapore hemorrhagic 065.4
- South African tick-bite 087.1
- Southeast Asia hemorrhagic 065.4
- spinal - see Meningitis
- splenic (see also Anthrax) 022.9
- spotted (Rocky Mountain) 082.0
- steroid
- correct substance properly administered 780.6
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0
- tertian - see Malaria, tertian
- Thailand hemorrhagic 065.4
- tick
- transitory of newborn 778.4
- typhoid (abortive) (ambulant) (any site) (hemorrhagic) (infection) (intermittent) (malignant) (rheumatic) 002.0
- typhomalarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
- typhus - see Typhus
- undulant (see also Brucellosis) 023.9
- unknown origin (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- uremic - see Uremia
- uveoparotid 135
- valley (Coccidioidomycosis) 114.0
- Wesselsbron (viral) 066.3
- West
- Yaroslav hemorrhagic 078.6
- FUO (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- High
- temperature (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- Hyperpyrexia 780.6
- malarial (see also Malaria) 084.6
- malignant, due to anesthetic 995.86
- rheumatic - see Fever, rheumatic
- unknown origin (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- Hyperthermia (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- malignant (due to anesthesia) 995.86
- Inanition 263.9
- fever 780.6
- Pyrexia (of unknown origin) (P.U.O.) 780.6
- environmentally-induced newborn 778.4
- newborn, environmentally-induced 778.4
- Steroid
- effects (adverse) (iatrogenic)
- cushingoid
- correct substance properly administered 255.0
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0
- diabetes
- correct substance properly administered 251.8
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0
- due to
- correct substance properly administered 255.8
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0
- fever
- correct substance properly administered 780.6
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0
- withdrawal
- correct substance properly administered 255.41
- overdose or wrong substance given or taken 962.0
- Temperature
- body, high (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- high
- body (of unknown origin) (see also Pyrexia) 780.6
- trauma from - see Heat