Convert to ICD-10-CM:
095.8 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A52.73 Symptomatic late syphilis of other respiratory organs
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A52.76 Other genitourinary symptomatic late syphilis
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A52.79 Other symptomatic late syphilis
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Abscess (acute) (chronic) (infectional) (lymphangitic) (metastatic) (multiple) (pyogenic) (septic) (with lymphangitis) (see also Cellulitis) 682.9
- syphilitic 095.8
- Anemia 285.9
- syphilitic 095.8
- Atrophoderma, atrophodermia 701.9
- Atrophy, atrophic
- macular (dermatological) 701.3
- striate and macular 701.3
- syphilitic 095.8
- Cervicitis (acute) (chronic) (nonvenereal) (subacute) (with erosion or ectropion) 616.0
- syphilitic 095.8
- Coryza (acute) 460
- syphilitic 095.8
- congenital (chronic) 090.0
- Cystitis (bacillary) (colli) (diffuse) (exudative) (hemorrhagic) (purulent) (recurrent) (septic) (suppurative) (ulcerative) 595.9
- syphilitic 095.8
- Dacryocystitis 375.30
- syphilitic 095.8
- Deformity 738.9
- nose, nasal (cartilage) (acquired) 738.0
- Endocervicitis (see also Cervicitis) 616.0
- syphilitic 095.8
- Fibrosis, fibrotic
- testis 608.89
- chronic, due to syphilis 095.8
- Glaucoma (capsular) (inflammatory) (noninflammatory) (primary) 365.9
- syphilitic 095.8
- Gout, gouty 274.9
- syphilitic 095.8
- Gumma (syphilitic) 095.9
- larynx 095.8
- nasopharynx 095.8
- nose 095.8
- orbit 095.8
- palate (soft) 095.8
- penis 095.8
- pharynx 095.8
- pituitary 095.8
- skin 095.8
- specified site NEC 095.8
- tongue 095.8
- tonsil 095.8
- trachea 095.8
- ureter 095.8
- Hemianopia, hemianopsia (altitudinal) (homonymous) 368.46
- syphilitic 095.8
- Hernia, hernial (acquired) (recurrent) 553.9
- testis (nontraumatic) 550.9
- meaning
- scrotal hernia 550.9
- symptomatic late syphilis 095.8
- Hyalitis (asteroid) 379.22
- syphilitic 095.8
- Hydrarthrosis (see also Effusion, joint) 719.0
- syphilitic 095.8
- Joint - see also condition
- von Gies' 095.8
- Labyrinthitis (inner ear) (destructive) (latent) 386.30
- syphilitic 095.8
- Laryngitis (acute) (edematous) (fibrinous) (gangrenous) (infective) (infiltrative) (malignant) (membranous) (phlegmonous) (pneumococcal) (pseudomembranous) (septic) (subglottic) (suppurative) (ulcerative) (viral) 464.00
- syphilitic 095.8
- Laryngotracheitis (acute) (infectional) (viral) (see also Laryngitis) 464.20
- syphilitic 095.8
- Leontiasis
- syphilitic 095.8
- Leukoderma 709.09
- syphilitic 091.3
- late 095.8
- Leukoplakia 702.8
- syphilitic 095.8
- Lymphadenitis 289.3
- syphilitic (early) (secondary) 091.4
- late 095.8
- Mediastinitis (acute) (chronic) 519.2
- syphilitic 095.8
- Neuritis (see also Neuralgia) 729.2
- syphilitic 095.8
- Pancreatitis 577.0
- syphilitic 095.8
- Perforation, perforative (nontraumatic)
- nasal
- palatine vault 526.89
- syphilitic 095.8
- uvula 528.9
- syphilitic 095.8
- Perichondritis
- Placenta, placental
- syphilitic 095.8
- Rhinitis (atrophic) (catarrhal) (chronic) (croupous) (fibrinous) (hyperplastic) (hypertrophic) (membranous) (purulent) (suppurative) (ulcerative) 472.0
- syphilitic 095.8
- Rupture, ruptured 553.9
- testis (traumatic) 878.2
- complicated 878.3
- due to syphilis 095.8
- Sarcocele (benign)
- syphilitic 095.8
- Sinusitis (accessory) (nasal) (hyperplastic) (nonpurulent) (purulent) (chronic) 473.9
- syphilitic, any sinus 095.8
- Splenomegaly 789.2
- syphilitic 095.8
- Stenosis (cicatricial) - see also Stricture
- bronchus 519.19
- syphilitic 095.8
- trachea 519.19
- congenital 748.3
- syphilitic 095.8
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 012.8
- Stricture (see also Stenosis) 799.89
- bronchus 519.19
- syphilitic 095.8
- esophagus (corrosive) (peptic) 530.3
- congenital 750.3
- syphilitic 095.8
- nasopharynx 478.29
- syphilitic 095.8
- rectum (sphincter) 569.2
- congenital 751.2
- due to
- gonococcal 098.7
- inflammatory 099.1
- syphilitic 095.8
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
- syphilitic NEC 095.8
- trachea 519.19
- congenital 748.3
- syphilitic 095.8
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 012.8
- Syphilide 091.3
- tubercular 095.8
- Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9
- adrenal (gland) 095.8
- with cortical hypofunction 095.8
- anemia 095.8
- anus 095.8
- bladder 095.8
- breast 095.8
- bronchus 095.8
- cervix 095.8
- colon (late) 095.8
- coryza 095.8
- dacryocystitis 095.8
- d'emblée 095.8
- epididymis (late) 095.8
- epiglottis 095.8
- esophagus 095.8
- Eustachian tube 095.8
- fallopian tube 095.8
- gallbladder (late) 095.8
- gastric 095.8
- crisis 094.0
- polyposis 095.8
- glaucoma 095.8
- hemianopsia 095.8
- hyalitis 095.8
- internal ear 095.8
- intestine (late) 095.8
- joint (late) 095.8
- lacrimal apparatus 095.8
- laryngeal paralysis 095.8
- larynx 095.8
- late 097.0
- cardiovascular 093.9
- central nervous system 094.9
- latent or 2 years or more after infection (without manifestation) 096
- negative spinal fluid test 096
- serology positive 096
- paresis 094.1
- specified site NEC 095.8
- symptomatic or with symptoms 095.9
- tabes 094.0
- lens 095.8
- leukoderma 091.3
- late 095.8
- lienis 095.8
- lymph gland (early) (secondary) 091.4
- late 095.8
- macular atrophy of skin 091.3
- striated 095.8
- mediastinum (late) 095.8
- middle ear 095.8
- mouth (secondary) 091.3
- late 095.8
- mucocutaneous 091.3
- late 095.8
- mucous
- nasal sinus 095.8
- neuritis 095.8
- nodular superficial 095.8
- nose 095.8
- saddle back deformity 090.5
- septum 095.8
- orbit (late) 095.8
- orchitis 095.8
- ovary 095.8
- oviduct 095.8
- palate 095.8
- gumma 095.8
- perforated 090.5
- pancreas (late) 095.8
- pancreatitis 095.8
- perichondritis, larynx 095.8
- peripheral nerve 095.8
- pharynx 095.8
- pituitary (gland) 095.8
- placenta 095.8
- pleura (late) 095.8
- prostate 095.8
- rectum 095.8
- respiratory tract 095.8
- salpingitis 095.8
- scotoma (central) 095.8
- scrotum 095.8
- seminal vesicle (late) 095.8
- sinus 095.8
- sinusitis 095.8
- skin (early) (secondary) (with ulceration) 091.3
- late or tertiary 095.8
- small intestine 095.8
- spermatic cord (late) 095.8
- spleen 095.8
- splenomegaly 095.8
- staphyloma 095.8
- stomach 095.8
- tertiary 097.0
- with symptoms 095.8
- cardiovascular 093.9
- central nervous system 094.9
- multiple NEC 095.8
- specified site NEC 095.8
- testis 095.8
- thorax 095.8
- throat 095.8
- thymus (gland) 095.8
- thyroid (late) 095.8
- tongue 095.8
- tonsil (lingual) 095.8
- trachea 095.8
- tunica vaginalis (late) 095.8
- urethra (stricture) 095.8
- urogenital 095.8
- uterus 095.8
- uvula (late) 095.8
- perforated 095.8
- ventriculi 095.8
- vesicae urinariae 095.8
- vitreous (hemorrhage) (opacities) 095.8
- Tracheitis (acute) (catarrhal) (infantile) (membranous) (plastic) (pneumococcal) (septic) (suppurative) (viral) 464.10
- syphilitic 095.8
- Vaginitis (acute) (chronic) (circumscribed) (diffuse) (emphysematous) (Hemophilus vaginalis) (nonspecific) (nonvenereal) (ulcerative) 616.10
- gonococcal (acute) 098.0
- chronic or duration of 2 months or over 098.2
- von Gies' joint 095.8
- Vulvitis (acute) (allergic) (chronic) (gangrenous) (hypertrophic) (intertriginous) 616.10
- syphilitic (early) 091.0
- late 095.8