ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Aspiration
- acid pulmonary (syndrome) 997.3
- Complications
- medical care NEC 999.9
- cardiac NEC 997.1
- gastrointestinal NEC 997.4
- nervous system NEC 997.00
- peripheral vascular NEC 997.2
- respiratory NEC 997.3
- urinary NEC 997.5
- vascular
- respiratory 519.9
- device, implant or graft NEC 996.79
- distress syndrome, adult, following trauma or surgery 518.5
- insufficiency, acute, postoperative 518.5
- postoperative NEC 997.3
- therapy NEC 999.9
- surgical procedures 998.9
- accidental puncture or laceration 998.2
- amputation stump (late) 997.60
- anastomosis - see Complications, anastomosis
- burst stitches or sutures (external) 998.32
- cardiac 997.1
- long-term effect following cardiac surgery 429.4
- catheter device - see Complications, catheter device
- cataract fragments in eye 998.82
- cecostomy malfunction 569.62
- colostomy malfunction 569.62
- cystostomy malfunction 997.5
- dehiscence (of incision) (external) 998.32
- dialysis NEC (see also Complications, dialysis) 999.9
- disruption
- anastomosis (internal) - see Complications, mechanical, graft
- internal suture (line) 998.31
- wound (external) 998.32
- dumping syndrome (postgastrectomy) 564.2
- elephantiasis or lymphedema 997.99
- emphysema (surgical) 998.81
- enterostomy malfunction 569.62
- esophagostomy malfunction 530.87
- evisceration 998.32
- fistula (persistent postoperative) 998.6
- foreign body inadvertently left in wound (sponge) (suture) (swab) 998.4
- from nonabsorbable surgical material (Dacron) (mesh) (permanent suture) (reinforcing) (Teflon) - see Complications due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC
- gastrointestinal NEC 997.4
- gastrostomy malfunction 536.42
- hematoma 998.12
- hemorrhage 998.11
- ileostomy malfunction 569.62
- internal prosthetic device NEC (see also Complications, internal device) 996.70
- hemolytic anemia 283.19
- infection or inflammation 996.60
- malfunction - see Complications, mechanical
- mechanical complication - see Complications, mechanical
- thrombus 996.70
- jejunostomy malfunction 569.62
- nervous system NEC 997.00
- obstruction, internal anastomosis - see Complications, mechanical, graft
- other body system NEC 997.99
- peripheral vascular NEC 997.2
- postcardiotomy syndrome 429.4
- postcholecystectomy syndrome 576.0
- postcommissurotomy syndrome 429.4
- postgastrectomy dumping syndrome 564.2
- postmastectomy lymphedema syndrome 457.0
- postmastoidectomy 383.30
- postvagotomy syndrome 564.2
- postvalvulotomy syndrome 429.4
- reattached extremity (infection) (rejection) (see also Complications, reattached, extremity) 996.90
- respiratory NEC 997.3
- seroma 998.13
- shock (endotoxic) (hypovolemic) (septic) 998.0
- shunt, prosthetic (thrombus) - see also Complications, due to (presence of) any device, implant, or graft classified to 996.0-996.5 NEC
- specified complication NEC 998.89
- stitch abscess 998.59
- transplant - see Complications, graft
- ureterostomy malfunction 997.5
- urethrostomy malfunction 997.5
- urinary NEC 997.5
- vascular
- wound infection 998.59
- Mendelson's syndrome (resulting from a procedure) 997.3
- Pneumonia (acute) (Alpenstich) (benign) (bilateral) (brain) (cerebral) (circumscribed) (congestive) (creeping) (delayed resolution) (double) (epidemic) (fever) (flash) (fulminant) (fungoid) (granulomatous) (hemorrhagic) (incipient) (infantile) (infectious) (infiltration) (insular) (intermittent) (latent) (lobe) (migratory) (newborn) (organized) (overwhelming) (primary) (progressive) (pseudolobar) (purulent) (resolved) (secondary) (senile) (septic) (suppurative) (terminal) (true) (unresolved) (vesicular) 486
- postoperative 997.3
- resulting from a procedure 997.3
- Pneumonitis (acute) (primary) (see also Pneumonia) 486
- postoperative 997.3
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- acid pulmonary aspiration 997.3
- obstetric (Mendelson's) 668.0
- Mendelson's (resulting from a procedure) 997.3