Intracranial injury of other and unspecified nature without mention of open intracranial wound
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Injury 959.9

brain NEC (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
cavernous sinus (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
cerebellum (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
cortex (cerebral) (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
bones - see Fracture, skull, by site
cavity (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
nerve - see Injury, nerve, cranial
intracranial 854.0

open intracranial wound 854.1

skull fracture - see Fracture, skull, by site

contusion 851.8

with open intracranial wound 851.9

brain stem 851.4

with open intracranial wound 851.5

cerebellum 851.4

with open intracranial wound 851.5

cortex (cerebral) 851.0

with open intracranial wound 851.2

hematoma - see Injury, intracranial, hemorrhage

hemorrhage 853.0


laceration - see Injury, intracranial, laceration

open intracranial wound 853.1

extradural 852.4

with open intracranial wound 852.5

subarachnoid 852.0

with open intracranial wound 852.1

subdural 852.2

with open intracranial wound 852.3

laceration 851.8

with open intracranial wound 851.9

brain stem 851.6

with open intracranial wound 851.7

cerebellum 851.6

with open intracranial wound 851.7

cortex (cerebral) 851.2

with open intracranial wound 851.3

penetrating - see Injury, eyeball, penetrating
brain (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
tympanic 959.09
occipital (region) (scalp) 959.09

lobe (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
cavernous (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
nasal 959.09
- Irritation
brain (traumatic) (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
nontraumatic - see Encephalitis
cerebral (traumatic) (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
nontraumatic - see Encephalitis
meninges (traumatic) (see also Injury, intracranial) 854.0
nontraumatic - see Meningitis