ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Arrest, arrested
- development or growth
- Delivery
- cesarean (for) 669.7
- abnormal
- abruptio placentae 641.2
- acromion presentation 652.8
- affecting fetus or newborn 763.4
- anteversion, cervix or uterus 654.4
- atony, uterus, with hemorrhage 666.1
- bicornis or bicornuate uterus 654.0
- breech presentation (buttocks) (complete) (frank)652.2
- brow presentation 652.4
- cephalopelvic disproportion (normally formed fetus) 653.4
- chin presentation 652.4
- cicatrix of cervix 654.6
- contracted pelvis (general) 653.1
- cord presentation or prolapse 663.0
- cystocele 654.4
- deformity (acquired) (congenital)
- pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.9
- pelvis (bony) NEC 653.0
- displacement, uterus NEC 654.4
- disproportion NEC 653.9
- distress
- eclampsia 642.6
- face presentation 652.4
- failed
- fetal deformity 653.7
- fetal-maternal hemorrhage 656.0
- fetus, fetal
- fibroid (tumor) (uterus) 654.1
- footling 652.8
- with successful version 652.1
- hemorrhage (antepartum) (intrapartum) NEC 641.9
- hydrocephalic fetus 653.6
- incarceration of uterus 654.3
- incoordinate uterine action 661.4
- inertia, uterus 661.2
- lateroversion, uterus or cervix 654.4
- mal lie 652.9
- malposition
- malpresentation NEC 652.9
- in multiple gestation 652.6
- maternal
- meconium in liquor 656.8
- oblique presentation 652.3
- oversize fetus 653.5
- pelvic tumor NEC 654.9
- placental insufficiency 656.5
- placenta previa 641.0
- poor dilation, cervix 661.0
- pre-eclampsia 642.4
- previous
- cesarean delivery, section 654.2
- surgery (to)
- prolapse
- prolonged labor 662.1
- rectocele 654.4
- retroversion, uterus or cervix 654.3
- rigid
- sacculation, pregnant uterus 654.4
- scar(s)
- cervix 654.6
- cesarean delivery, section 654.2
- uterus NEC 654.9
- due to previous cesarean delivery, section 654.2
- Shirodkar suture in situ 654.5
- shoulder presentation 652.8
- stenosis or stricture, cervix 654.6
- transverse presentation or lie 652.3
- tumor, pelvic organs or tissues NEC 654.4
- umbilical cord presentation or prolapse 663.0
- Development
- incomplete (fetus or newborn) 764.9
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- bronchial tree 748.3
- organ or site not listed - see Hypoplasia
- respiratory system 748.9
- Growth (fungoid) (neoplastic) (new) (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature
- fetal, poor 764.9
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- Inadequate, inadequacy
- development
- child 783.40
- fetus 764.9
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- genitalia
- after puberty NEC 259.0
- congenital - see Hypoplasia, genitalia
- lungs 748.5
- organ or site NEC - see Hypoplasia, by site
- Light-for-dates (infant) 764.0
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- Placenta, placental
- insufficiency
- affecting
- fetus or newborn 762.2
- management of pregnancy 656.5
- Poor
- fetal growth NEC 764.9
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- Pregnancy (single) (uterine) (without sickness) V22.2
- management affected by
- abnormal, abnormality
- advanced maternal age NEC 659.6
- antibodies (maternal)
- appendicitis 648.9
- bariatric surgery status 649.2
- coagulation defect 649.3
- elderly multigravida 659.6
- elderly primigravida 659.5
- epilepsy 649.4
- fetal (suspected)
- abnormality 655.9
- acidemia 656.3
- anencephaly 655.0
- bradycardia 659.7
- central nervous system malformation 655.0
- chromosomal abnormalities (conditions classifiable to 758.0-758.9) 655.1
- damage from
- drugs 655.5
- obstetric, anesthetic, or sedative 655.5
- environmental toxins 655.8
- intrauterine contraceptive device 655.8
- maternal
- radiation 655.6
- death (near term) 656.4
- early (before 22 completed weeks gestation) 632
- distress 656.8
- excessive growth 656.6
- growth retardation 656.5
- hereditary disease 655.2
- hydrocephalus 655.0
- intrauterine death 656.4
- poor growth 656.5
- spina bifida (with myelomeningocele) 655.0
- fetal-maternal hemorrhage 656.0
- gastric banding status 649.2
- gastric bypass status for obesity 649.2
- hereditary disease in family (possibly) affecting fetus 655.2
- incompatibility, blood groups (ABO) 656.2
- insufficient prenatal care V23.7
- intrauterine death 656.4
- isoimmunization (ABO) 656.2
- large-for-dates fetus 656.6
- light-for-dates fetus 656.5
- meconium in liquor 656.8
- mental disorder (conditions classifiable to 290-303, 305.0, 305.2-305.9, 306-316, 317-319) 648.4
- multiparity (grand) 659.4
- obesity 649.1
- poor obstetric history V23.49
- postmaturity
- post-term pregnancy 645.1
- previous
- prolonged pregnancy 645.2
- small-for-dates fetus 656.5
- smoking 649.0
- spotting 649.5
- tobacco use disorder 649.0
- young maternal age 659.8
- Retardation
- growth (physical) in childhood 783.43
- due to malnutrition 263.2
- fetal (intrauterine) 764.9
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- intrauterine growth 764.9
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- physical 783.43
- child 783.43
- due to malnutrition 263.2
- fetus (intrauterine) 764.9
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- Slow
- fetal, growth NEC 764.9
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- Small, smallness
- for dates
- fetus or newborn 764.0
- with malnutrition 764.1
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- infant, term 764.0
- with malnutrition 764.1
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5
- Small-for-dates (see also Light-for-dates) 764.0
- affecting management of pregnancy 656.5