647.2Other venereal diseases complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium
647.20Other venereal diseases of mother complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium unspecified as to episode of careconvert 647.20 to ICD-10-CM
647.8Other specified infectious and parasitic diseases complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium
647.80Other specified infectious and parasitic diseases of mother complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium unspecified as to episode of careconvert 647.80 to ICD-10-CM
647.9Unspecified infection or infestation complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium
647.90Unspecified infection or infestation of mother complicating pregnancy childbirth or the puerperium unspecified as to episode of careconvert 647.90 to ICD-10-CM