Convert to ICD-10-CM:
569.89 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM K63.4 Enteroptosis
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM K63.89 Other specified diseases of intestine
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Anastomosis
- intestinal 569.89
- complicated NEC 997.4
- involving urinary tract 997.5
- Apoplexia, apoplexy, apoplectic (see also Disease, cerebrovascular, acute) 436
- abdominal 569.89
- Atrophy, atrophic
- enteric 569.89
- gastrointestinal 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- Coloptosis 569.89
- Congestion, congestive (chronic) (passive)
- bowel 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- Cyst (mucus) (retention) (serous) (simple)
- colon 569.89
- intestine (large) (small) 569.89
- Deformity 738.9
- cecum (congenital) 751.5
- acquired 569.89
- colon (congenital) 751.5
- acquired 569.89
- gastrointestinal tract (congenital) NEC 751.9
- acquired 569.89
- specified type NEC 751.8
- ileocecal (coil) (valve) (congenital) 751.5
- acquired 569.89
- ileum (intestine) (congenital) 751.5
- acquired 569.89
- intestine (large) (small) (congenital) 751.5
- acquired 569.89
- sigmoid (flexure) (congenital) 751.5
- acquired 569.89
- Degeneration, degenerative
- intestine 569.89
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Glénard's (enteroptosis) 569.89
- Lane's 569.89
- Payr's (splenic flexure syndrome) 569.89
- Distention
- cecum 569.89
- colon 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- Enteroptosis 569.89
- Erosion
- intestine 569.89
- Gastroenteroptosis 569.89
- Gastroschisis (congenital) 756.79
- acquired 569.89
- Glénard's disease or syndrome (enteroptosis) 569.89
- Granuloma NEC 686.1
- colon 569.89
- ileum 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- Hematocele (congenital) (diffuse) (idiopathic) 608.83
- ischiorectal 569.89
- Hepatic - see also condition
- flexure syndrome 569.89
- Hyperplasia, hyperplastic
- lymphoid (diffuse) (nodular) 785.6
- appendix 543.0
- intestine 569.89
- Hypertrophy, hypertrophic
- cecum 569.89
- colon 569.89
- ileum 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- jejunum 569.89
- sigmoid 569.89
- Intoxication
- intestinal 569.89
- due to putrefaction of food 005.9
- Irregular, irregularity
- colon 569.89
- Lane's
- disease 569.89
- Lesion(s)
- cecum 569.89
- colon 569.89
- gastrointestinal 569.89
- ileocecal coil 569.89
- ileum 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- rectosigmoid 569.89
- sigmoid 569.89
- Malacoplakia
- colon 569.89
- Malposition
- gastrointestinal tract 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- Marasmus 261
- intestinal 569.89
- Melanosis 709.09
- colon 569.89
- Necrosis, necrotic
- fat, fatty (generalized) (see also Degeneration, fatty) 272.8
- abdominal wall 567.82
- breast (aseptic) (segmental) 611.3
- intestine 569.89
- localized - see Degeneration, by site, fatty
- mesentery 567.82
- omentum 567.82
- pancreas 577.8
- peritoneum 567.82
- skin (subcutaneous) 709.3
- Palpable
- cecum 569.89
- Payr's disease or syndrome (splenic flexure syndrome) 569.89
- Pericolitis 569.89
- Peri-ileitis (subacute) 569.89
- Perisigmoiditis 569.89
- Pneumatosis
- cystoides intestinalis 569.89
- Proctosigmoiditis 569.89
- ulcerative (chronic) 556.3
- Prolapse, prolapsed
- cecum 569.89
- colon (pedunculated) 569.89
- intestine (small) 569.89
- Ptosis (adiposa) 374.30
- cecum 569.89
- colon 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- splanchnic 569.89
- viscera 569.89
- Putrefaction, intestinal 569.89
- Rectosigmoiditis 569.89
- ulcerative (chronic) 556.3
- Rupture, ruptured 553.9
- bowel 569.89
- traumatic - see Injury, internal, intestine
- colon 569.89
- traumatic - see Injury, internal, colon
- intestine 569.89
- traumatic - see Injury, internal, intestine
- sigmoid 569.89
- traumatic - see Injury, internal, colon, sigmoid
- Sacculation
- colon 569.89
- rectosigmoid 569.89
- sigmoid 569.89
- Serositis, multiple 569.89
- pleural - see Pleurisy
- Splanchnomegaly 569.89
- Splanchnoptosis 569.89
- Spleen, splenic - see also condition
- flexure syndrome 569.89
- Stricture (see also Stenosis) 799.89
- rectosigmoid 569.89
- Suppuration, suppurative - see also condition
- bowel 569.89
- intestine 569.89
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Glénard's (enteroptosis) 569.89
- hepatic flexure 569.89
- Payr's (splenic flexure syndrome) 569.89
- splenic
- Unstable
- colon 569.89
- Visceroptosis 569.89
- Vomiting 787.03
- fecal matter 569.89
- stercoral 569.89