Convert to ICD-10-CM:
356.1 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM G60.0 Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Atrophy, atrophic
- Charcôt-Marie-Tooth 356.1
- muscle, muscular 728.2
- disuse 728.2
- Duchenne-Aran 335.21
- extremity (lower) (upper) 728.2
- familial spinal 335.11
- general 728.2
- idiopathic 728.2
- infantile spinal 335.0
- myelopathic (progressive) 335.10
- myotonic 359.2
- neuritic 356.1
- neuropathic (peroneal) (progressive) 356.1
- peroneal 356.1
- primary (idiopathic) 728.2
- progressive (familial) (hereditary) (pure) 335.21
- pseudohypertrophic 359.1
- spinal (progressive) 335.10
- syphilitic 095.6
- Charcôt-Marie-Tooth disease, paralysis, or syndrome 356.1
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Charcôt-Marie-Tooth 356.1
- Dystrophy, dystrophia 783.9
- Marie-Charcôt-Tooth neuropathic atrophy, muscle 356.1
- Neuropathy, neuropathic (see also Disorder, nerve) 355.9
- hypertrophic
- Charcôt-Marie-Tooth 356.1
- Déjérine-Sottas 356.0
- interstitial 356.9
- Refsum 356.3
- Paralysis, paralytic (complete) (incomplete) 344.9
- Charcôt-Marie-Tooth type 356.1
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Charcôt-Marie-Tooth 356.1