Convert to ICD-10-CM:
289.3 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM I88.9 Nonspecific lymphadenitis, unspecified
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Adenitis (see also Lymphadenitis) 289.3
- acute, unspecified site 683
- axillary 289.3
- bulbourethral gland (see also Urethritis) 597.89
- cervical 289.3
- chancroid (Ducrey's bacillus) 099.0
- chronic (any lymph node, except mesenteric) 289.1
- Cowper's gland (see also Urethritis) 597.89
- epidemic, acute 075
- groin 289.3
- inguinal (region) 289.3
- lymph gland or node, except mesenteric 289.3
- acute 683
- chronic or subacute 289.1
- mesenteric (acute) (chronic) (nonspecific) (subacute) 289.2
- mesenteric (acute) (chronic) (nonspecific) (subacute) 289.2
- due to Pasteurella multocida (P. septica) 027.2
- parotid gland (suppurative) 527.2
- phlegmonous 683
- salivary duct or gland (any) (recurring) (suppurative) 527.2
- scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
- septic 289.3
- Skene's duct or gland (see also Urethritis) 597.89
- strumous, tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
- subacute, unspecified site 289.1
- sublingual gland (suppurative) 527.2
- submandibular gland (suppurative) 527.2
- submaxillary gland (suppurative) 527.2
- suppurative 683
- tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland
- urethral gland (see also Urethritis) 597.89
- Wharton's duct (suppurative) 527.2
- Adenosclerosis 289.3
- Atrophy, atrophic
- glandular 289.3
- Bubo 289.3
- due to Hemophilus ducreyi 099.0
- scrofulous (see also Tuberculosis) 017.2
- suppurating 683
- Calcification
- lymph gland or node (postinfectional) 289.3
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis, lymph gland) 017.2
- Degeneration, degenerative
- lymph gland 289.3
- hyaline 289.3
- lardaceous 277.39
- Fibrosis, fibrotic
- lymphatic gland 289.3
- Granuloma NEC 686.1
- gland (lymph) 289.3
- lymph gland 289.3
- Infiltrate, infiltration
- lymphatic (see also Leukemia, lymphatic) 204.9
- gland, pigmentary 289.3
- Inflammation, inflamed, inflammatory (with exudation)
- gland (lymph) (see also Lymphadenitis) 289.3
- lymph node or gland (see also Lymphadenitis) 289.3
- Lymphadenitis 289.3
- with
- abortion - see Abortion, by type, with sepsis
- ectopic pregnancy (see also categories 633.0-633.9) 639.0
- molar pregnancy (see also categories 630-632) 639.0
- any site, except mesenteric 289.3
- acute 683
- chronic 289.1
- mesenteric (acute) (chronic) (nonspecific) (subacute) 289.2
- subacute 289.1
- breast, puerperal, postpartum 675.2
- chancroidal (congenital) 099.0
- due to
- anthracosis (occupational) 500
- Brugia (Wuchereria) malayi 125.1
- diphtheria (toxin) 032.89
- lymphogranuloma venereum 099.1
- Wuchereria bancrofti 125.0
- following
- generalized 289.3
- infectional 683
- mesenteric (acute) (chronic) (nonspecific) (subacute) 289.2
- due to Bacillus typhi 002.0
- tuberculous (see also Tuberculosis) 014.8
- streptococcal 683
- subacute, unspecified site 289.1
- suppurative 683
- syphilitic (early) (secondary) 091.4
- tuberculous - see Tuberculosis, lymph gland
- Polyadenitis (see also Adenitis) 289.3