Convert to ICD-10-CM:
267 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM E54 Ascorbic acid deficiency
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Acid
- deficiency
- Acne (pustular) (vulgaris) 706.1
- scorbutica 267
- Arthritis, arthritic (acute) (chronic) (subacute) 716.9
- scorbutic 267
- Ascorbic acid (vitamin C) deficiency (scurvy) 267
- Avitaminosis (multiple NEC) (see also Deficiency, vitamin) 269.2
- C (with scurvy) 267
- Barlow (-Möller) disease or syndrome (meaning infantile scurvy) 267
- Cheadle (-Möller) (-Barlow) disease or syndrome (infantile scurvy) 267
- Deficiency, deficient
- ascorbic acid (with scurvy) 267
- cevitamic acid (with scurvy) 267
- vitamin (multiple) NEC 269.2
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Barlow (-Möller) (infantile scurvy) 267
- Cheadle (-Möller) (-Barlow) (infantile scurvy) 267
- Möeller's 267
- Möller (-Barlow) (infantile scurvy) 267
- Hematoma (skin surface intact) (traumatic) - see also Contusion
- subperiosteal (syndrome) 267
- traumatic - see Hematoma, by site
- Inflammation, inflamed, inflammatory (with exudation)
- alveoli (teeth) 526.5
- scorbutic 267
- scorbutic, alveoli, teeth 267
- Moeller (-Barlow) disease (infantile scurvy) 267
- Purpura 287.2
- scorbutic 267
- Rickets (active) (acute) (adolescent) (adult) (chest wall) (congenital) (current) (infantile) (intestinal) 268.0
- hemorrhagic 267
- scurvy 267
- Scorbutus, scorbutic 267
- Scurvy (gum) (infantile) (rickets) (scorbutic) 267
- Syndrome - see also Disease
- Barlow (-Möller) (infantile scurvy) 267
- Cheadle (-Möller) (-Barlow) (infantile scurvy) 267
- subperiosteal hematoma 267