  • accessory tube 620.5
    • adnexa (female) 620.5
      • aorta (congenital) 747.29
      • appendix epididymis 608.2
        • bile duct 576.8
          • with calculus, choledocholithiasis or stones - see Choledocholithiasis
            • congenital 751.69
            • bowel, colon, or intestine 560.2
              • cervix (see also Malposition, uterus) 621.6
                • duodenum 537.3
                  • dystonia - see Dystonia, torsion
                    • epididymis 608.2
                    • fallopian tube 620.5
                      • gallbladder (see also Disease, gallbladder) 575.8
                      • gastric 537.89
                        • hydatid of Morgagni (female) 620.5
                          • kidney (pedicle) 593.89
                            • Meckel's diverticulum (congenital) 751.0
                              • mesentery 560.2
                                • omentum 560.2
                                  • organ or site, congenital NEC - see Anomaly, specified type NEC
                                    • ovary (pedicle) 620.5
                                    • oviduct 620.5
                                      • penis 607.89
                                      • renal 593.89
                                        • spasm - see Dystonia, torsion
                                          • spermatic cord 608.2
                                            • spleen 289.59
                                              • testicle, testis 608.2
                                                • tibia 736.89
                                                  • umbilical cord - see Compression, umbilical cord
                                                    • uterus (see also Malposition, uterus) 621.6