Convert to ICD-10-CM:
904.9 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM T14.90 Injury, unspecified
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Aneurysm (anastomotic) (artery) (cirsoid) (diffuse) (false) (fusiform) (multiple) (ruptured) (saccular) (varicose) 442.9
- arteriovenous (congenital) (peripheral) NEC (see also Anomaly, arteriovenous) 747.60
- acquired NEC 447.0
- brain (cerebral) 747.81
- ruptured (see also Hemorrhage, subarachnoid) 430
- coronary 746.85
- pulmonary 747.3
- retina 743.58
- specified site NEC 747.89
- traumatic (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
- Fistula (sinus) 686.9
- traumatic
- arteriovenous (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
- brain - see Injury, intracranial
- Hematoma (skin surface intact) (traumatic) - see also Contusion
- arterial (complicating trauma) 904.9
- specified site - see Injury, blood vessel, by site
- Injury 959.9
- artery (complicating trauma) (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
- cerebral or meningeal (see also Hemorrhage, brain, traumatic, subarachnoid) 852.0
- blood vessel NEC 904.9
- vein (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
- Lesion
- vascular 459.9
- affecting central nervous system (see also Lesion, cerebrovascular) 437.9
- following trauma (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
- retina 362.17
- traumatic - see Injury, blood vessel, by site
- umbilical cord 663.6
- affecting fetus or newborn 762.6
- Rupture, ruptured 553.9
- artery 447.2
- brain (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431
- coronary (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
- heart (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
- pulmonary 417.8
- traumatic (complication) (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
- blood vessel (see also Hemorrhage) 459.0
- brain (see also Hemorrhage, brain) 431
- heart (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
- traumatic (complication) (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
- Thrombosis, thrombotic (marantic) (multiple) (progressive) (septic) (vein) (vessel) 453.9
- artery, arteries (postinfectional) 444.9
- auditory, internal 433.8
- basilar (see also Occlusion, artery, basilar) 433.0
- carotid (common) (internal) (see also Occlusion, artery, carotid) 433.1
- with other precerebral artery 433.3
- cerebellar (anterior inferior) (posterior inferior) (superior) 433.8
- cerebral (see also Thrombosis, brain) 434.0
- choroidal (anterior) 433.8
- communicating posterior 433.8
- coronary (see also Infarct, myocardium) 410.9
- without myocardial infarction 411.81
- due to syphilis 093.89
- healed or specified as old 412
- extremities 444.22
- femoral 444.22
- hepatic 444.89
- hypophyseal 433.8
- meningeal, anterior or posterior 433.8
- mesenteric (with gangrene) 557.0
- ophthalmic (see also Occlusion, retina) 362.30
- pontine 433.8
- popliteal 444.22
- precerebral - see Occlusion, artery, precerebral NEC
- pulmonary 415.19
- renal 593.81
- retinal (see also Occlusion, retina) 362.30
- specified site NEC 444.89
- spinal, anterior or posterior 433.8
- traumatic (complication) (early) (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9
- vertebral (see also Occlusion, artery, vertebral) 433.2
- with other precerebral artery 433.3
- traumatic (complication) (early) (see also Injury, blood vessel, by site) 904.9