Convert to ICD-10-CM:
706.2 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM L72.3 Sebaceous cyst
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Atheroma, atheromatous (see also Arteriosclerosis) 440.9
- skin 706.2
- Cock's peculiar tumor 706.2
- Cyst (mucus) (retention) (serous) (simple)
- auricle 706.2
- ear (external) 706.2
- epidermal (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
- epidermoid (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
- mouth 528.4
- not of skin - see Cyst, by site
- oral soft tissue 528.4
- epithelial (inclusion) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
- eyebrow 706.2
- inclusion (epidermal) (epithelial) (epidermoid) (mucous) (squamous) (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
- not of skin - see Neoplasm, by site, benign
- keratin 706.2
- scrotum (sebaceous) 706.2
- sweat glands 706.2
- sebaceous (duct) (gland) 706.2
- breast 610.8
- eyelid 374.84
- genital organ NEC
- scrotum 706.2
- skin (epidermal) (epidermoid, inclusion) (epithelial) (inclusion) (retention) (sebaceous) 706.2
- Epidermoid
- inclusion (see also Cyst, skin) 706.2
- Infection, infected, infective (opportunistic) 136.9
- steatoma 706.2
- Milium (see also Cyst, sebaceous) 706.2
- Sebaceous
- cyst (see also Cyst, sebaceous) 706.2
- Sebocystomatosis 706.2
- Steatocystoma multiplex 706.2
- Steatoma (infected) 706.2
- Tumor (M8000/1) - see also Neoplasm, by site, unspecified nature
- Cock's peculiar 706.2
- sebaceous (see also Cyst, sebaceous) 706.2
- Wen (see also Cyst, sebaceous) 706.2
- Whitehead 706.2