Convert to ICD-10-CM:
455.8 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM K64.8 Other hemorrhoids
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Hemorrhoids (anus) (rectum) (without complication) 455.6
- bleeding, prolapsed, strangulated, or ulcerated NEC 455.8
- complicated NEC 455.8
- Strangulation, strangulated 994.7
- hemorrhoids 455.8
- Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative 707.9
- hemorrhoids 455.8
- Varicose
- ulcer (lower extremity, any part) 454.0
- anus 455.8
- esophagus (see also Varix, esophagus) 456.1
- bleeding (see also Varix, esophagus, bleeding) 456.0
- inflamed or infected 454.2
- nasal septum 456.8
- perineum 456.6
- rectum - see Varicose, ulcer, anus
- scrotum 456.4
- specified site NEC 456.8