ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Conjunctivitis (exposure) (infectious) (nondiphtheritic) (pneumococcal) (pustular) (staphylococcal) (streptococcal) NEC 372.30
- granular (trachomatous) 076.1
- late effect 139.1
- trachomatous (follicular) 076.1
- acute 076.0
- late effect 139.1
- Contraction, contracture, contracted
- conjunctiva trachomatous, active 076.1
- late effect 139.1
- Dacryocystitis 375.30
- trachomatous, active 076.1
- late effect 139.1
- Entropion (eyelid) 374.00
- late effect of trachoma (healed) 139.1
- Keratitis (nodular) (nonulcerative) (simple) (zonular) NEC 370.9
- trachomatous 076.1
- late effect 139.1
- Late - see also condition
- effect(s) (of) - see also condition
- abscess
- intracranial or intraspinal (conditions classifiable to 324) - see category 326
- adverse effect of drug, medicinal or biological substance 909.5
- allergic reaction 909.9
- amputation
- burn (injury classifiable to 948-949) 906.9
- extremities NEC (injury classifiable to 943 or 945) 906.7
- hand or wrist (injury classifiable to 944) 906.6
- eye (injury classifiable to 940) 906.5
- face, head, and neck (injury classifiable to 941) 906.5
- specified site NEC (injury classifiable to 942 and 946-947) 906.8
- cerebrovascular disease (conditions classifiable to 430-437) 438.9
- childbirth complication(s) 677
- complication(s) of
- childbirth 677
- delivery 677
- pregnancy 677
- puerperium 677
- surgical and medical care (conditions classifiable to 996-999) 909.3
- trauma (conditions classifiable to 958) 908.6
- contusion (injury classifiable to 920-924) 906.3
- crushing (injury classifiable to 925-929) 906.4
- delivery complication(s) 677
- dislocation (injury classifiable to 830-839) 905.6
- encephalitis or encephalomyelitis (conditions classifiable to 323) - see category 326
- in infectious diseases 139.8
- external cause NEC (conditions classifiable to 995) 909.9
- certain conditions classifiable to categories 991-994 909.4
- foreign body in orifice (injury classifiable to 930-939) 908.5
- fracture (multiple) (injury classifiable to 828-829) 905.5
- extremity
- face and skull (injury classifiable to 800-804) 905.0
- skull and face (injury classifiable to 800-804) 905.0
- spine and trunk (injury classifiable to 805 and 807-809) 905.1
- with spinal cord lesion (injury classifiable to 806) 907.2
- infection
- pyogenic, intracranial - see category 326
- infectious diseases (conditions classifiable to 001-136) NEC 139.8
- injury (injury classifiable to 959) 908.9
- blood vessel 908.3
- abdomen and pelvis (injury classifiable to 902) 908.4
- extremity (injury classifiable to 903-904) 908.3
- head and neck (injury classifiable to 900) 908.3
- thorax (injury classifiable to 901) 908.4
- internal organ NEC (injury classifiable to 867 and 869) 908.2
- intracranial (injury classifiable to 850-854) 907.0
- nerve NEC (injury classifiable to 957) 907.9
- cranial (injury classifiable to 950-951) 907.1
- peripheral NEC (injury classifiable to 957) 907.9
- lower limb and pelvic girdle (injury classifiable to 956) 907.5
- upper limb and shoulder girdle (injury classifiable to 955) 907.4
- roots and plexus(es), spinal (injury classifiable to 953) 907.3
- trunk (injury classifiable to 954) 907.3
- spinal
- cord (injury classifiable to 806 and 952) 907.2
- nerve root(s) and plexus(es) (injury classifiable to 953) 907.3
- superficial (injury classifiable to 910-919) 906.2
- tendon (tendon injury classifiable to 840-848, 880-884 with .2, and 890-894 with .2) 905.8
- meningitis
- bacterial (conditions classifiable to 320) - see category 326
- unspecified cause (conditions classifiable to 322) - see category 326
- myelitis (see also Late, effect(s) (of), encephalitis) - see category 326
- parasitic diseases (conditions classifiable to 001-136 NEC) 139.8
- phlebitis or thrombophlebitis of intracranial venous sinuses (conditions classifiable to 325) - see category 326
- poisoning due to drug, medicinal or biological substance (conditions classifiable to 960-979) 909.0
- poliomyelitis, acute (conditions classifiable to 045) 138
- pregnancy complication(s) 677
- puerperal complication(s) 677
- radiation (conditions classifiable to 990) 909.2
- rickets 268.1
- sprain and strain without mention of tendon injury (injury classifiable to 840-848, except tendon injury) 905.7
- toxic effect of
- drug, medicinal or biological substance (conditions classifiable to 960-979) 909.0
- nonmedical substance (conditions classifiable to 980-989) 909.1
- trachoma (conditions classifiable to 076) 139.1
- tuberculosis 137.0
- bones and joints (conditions classifiable to 015) 137.3
- central nervous system (conditions classifiable to 013) 137.1
- genitourinary (conditions classifiable to 016) 137.2
- pulmonary (conditions classifiable to 010-012) 137.0
- specified organs NEC (conditions classifiable to 014, 017-018) 137.4
- viral encephalitis (conditions classifiable to 049.8, 049.9, 062-064) 139.0
- wound, open
- Opacity, opacities
- cornea 371.00
- central 371.03
- congenital 743.43
- interfering with vision 743.42
- degenerative (see also Degeneration, cornea) 371.40
- hereditary (see also Dystrophy, cornea) 371.50
- inflammatory (see also Keratitis) 370.9
- late effect of trachoma (healed) 139.1
- minor 371.01
- peripheral 371.02
- Pannus 370.62
- trachomatosus, trachomatous (active) 076.1 [370.62]
- late effect 139.1
- Trachoma, trachomatous 076.9
- healed or late effect 139.1