Convert to ICD-10-CM:
091.3 converts approximately to:
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A51.31 Condyloma latum
- 2015/16 ICD-10-CM A51.39 Other secondary syphilis of skin
ICD-9-CM Volume 2 Index entries containing back-references to
- Atrophoderma, atrophodermia 701.9
- Atrophy, atrophic
- macular (dermatological) 701.3
- syphilitic, skin 091.3
- Condyloma NEC 078.10
- latum 091.3
- syphilitic 091.3
- venereal, syphilitic 091.3
- Disease, diseased - see also Syndrome
- Mauriac's (erythema nodosum syphiliticum) 091.3
- Leukoderma 709.09
- syphilitic 091.3
- Mucous - see also condition
- patches (syphilitic) 091.3
- Patches
- mucous (syphilitic) 091.3
- Rupia 091.3
- Syphilide 091.3
- Syphilis, syphilitic (acquired) 097.9
- atrophoderma maculatum 091.3
- condyloma (latum) 091.3
- early NEC 091.0
- cardiovascular 093.9
- central nervous system 094.9
- latent (without manifestations) (less than 2 years after infection) 092.9
- negative spinal fluid test 092.9
- serological relapse following treatment 092.0
- serology positive 092.9
- paresis 094.1
- relapse (treated, untreated) 091.7
- skin 091.3
- symptomatic NEC 091.89
- extragenital chancre 091.2
- primary, except extragenital chancre 091.0
- secondary (see also Syphilis, secondary) 091.3
- relapse (treated, untreated) 091.7
- tabes 094.0
- ulcer 091.3
- leukoderma 091.3
- lip 091.3
- macular atrophy of skin 091.3
- mouth (secondary) 091.3
- mucocutaneous 091.3
- mucous
- membrane 091.3
- patches 091.3
- pharynx 095.8
- secondary 091.3
- secondary (and primary) 091.9
- skin (early) (secondary) (with ulceration) 091.3
- tonsil (lingual) 095.8
- primary 091.2
- secondary 091.3
- ulcer (any site) (early) (secondary) 091.3
- Ulcer, ulcerated, ulcerating, ulceration, ulcerative 707.9
- skin (atrophic) (chronic) (neurogenic) (non-healing) (perforating) (pyogenic) (trophic) 707.9
- with gangrene 707.9 [785.4]
- amebic 006.6
- decubitus (see also Ulcer, decubitus) 707.00
- in granulocytopenia 288.0
- lower extremity (see also Ulcer, lower extremity) 707.10
- mycobacterial 031.1
- syphilitic (early) (secondary) 091.3
- tuberculous (primary) (see also Tuberculosis) 017.0
- varicose - see Ulcer, varicose
- syphilitic (any site) (early) (secondary) 091.3
- Wart (common) (digitate) (filiform) (infectious) (viral) 078.10
- syphilitic 091.3